Mar 31: Raglan Community Board meeting

This summary of the Raglan Community Board meeting agenda and issues prepared by Secretary of Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated, John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Wed 31 March at 1.30pm in the Town Hall Supper Room, 41 Bow Street. The public forum will be part of the formal meeting, giving the usual opportunity to discuss issues. You can also contact the Community Board members:- Bob MacLeodChris RaynerDennis AmooreGabrielle ParsonLisa ThomsonSatnam Bains and Tony Oosten.

Wednesday’s agenda includes –

  1. Closure of path across the airfield – an aviation consultant has said the main safety risk at the Raglan airfield is pedestrian access to it. Therefore it’s proposed the access from Raglan West to the beach should be via the camp entrance and along the side of the airfield. “Staff are aware that the above proposal is likely to be unpopular. . . Due to the risk associated with this activity, staff have queried relevance of a Council managed airfield. Further investigation has identified a number of issues that complicate alternative solutions. It has been identified that if the community wish to disestablish the airfield it will be a long-term process that could take several years. This is due to the complicated way the land was acquired[see page 273 of Waitangi Report] for use as an airfield. Staff believe this should be investigated further. However, if such actions were to be undertaken, the aerodrome would continue to operate for several years. Therefore, the risk associated with aircraft and pedestrian interactions will still need to be addressed. . . Once the Community Board has received this report a copy will be sent to Council’s infrastructure committee for further discussion, along with any recommendations made by the Raglan Community Board”.
  2. Soundsplash – “Chair to discuss with General Manager Service Delivery whether to include the report in the Board’s agenda”. Why would it be kept secret?
  3. Wharf Pontoon – “Procurement documentation for this complete and tender documents are planned to be issued to three suppliers week 22nd March”.
  4. Whaingaroa Infrastructure Study – “BECA have been contracted by WDC to prepare a scope document for this study. Once PCG has approved the scope brief it we will circulated and we will invite interested parties to partake in the study and finalise the facilitator. Note several local groups have already registered interest.”
  5. Bus survey “When there is the route and possible new service, Waikato Regional Council and Waikato District Council will present to the Raglan Community Board.”
  6. Climate Response & Resilience Action Plan “Board to send Action Plan to different organisations to encourage collaboration”. Have you received it?
  7. Civil Defence Emergency Management – Coordinator to attend and give verbal report.
  8. Freedom Camping on John St has stopped due to new signs.
  9. Footpaths – Aerodrome Bridge – campground entrance “Works beginning at the start of April taking 4 weeks.” Park Drive/John St crossing planning with RCB to improve safety, but no mention of wider consultation. “Main Rd crossings to be pedestrianised before school returns in Jan 2021. . . Main Road crossing pints, kerb build outs and median refuges at 2 locations identified and to be installed in March.”
  10. Xtreme Zero Waste – councillor met with MfE and staff re solid waste and “Raglan Food waste discussion with staff and Xtreme Zero Waste”– verbal report to be given by Xtreme.
  11. Roading – “Meeting with Craig Rowlingson re the condition of our unsealed network
  12. Places for People – “trialling a paint-only roundabout at the intersection of Bow St & Wainui Rd
  13. Campground report – “visitor numbers, these have increased since we came out of lockdown . . . Staff employment, this is a challenge finding the right people for the positions available.
  14. Gilmour St met with local residents.
  15. Manu Bay Breakwater – “reduction of rock washing up on the boat ramp has not eventuated. This could again be due to insufficient rock removed, or that the new breakwater shape and layout has created this . . . An independent consultant is being commissioned”.
  16. Raglan Area School – update on road safety – what RCB has been doing.
  17. Town Hall – minutes of Committee meeting on 11 March – Warrant of Fitness expired in July 2020, “Aggression by a member of the public . . . family members who have banned him from the vicinity of the Hall.
  18. Discretionary fund has $15,108. Arts Council want $5,808.32 for a portable staging unit. A Rocha want $3,518.61 for signs about predator control on Karioi.
  19. Whaingaroa Raglan Affordability Project – “Nil to report” again.

Waters Governance Board 23/2/2021 –

A sustainable energy strategy had been developed for the Raglan WWTP. Watercare would be presenting a sustainable energy strategy to the Board Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, 30 March 2021 in Raglan.

Raglan WWTP resource consent application would be lodged in July 2021 . . .it was stressed that progression toward a single option should occur (i.e. in order to lodge an application with the WRC by the desired July timeframe). RMA terminology for this option is the ‘Best Practical Option’ (BPO). Methodology to arrive at a BPO has been communicated throughout engagement, where a ‘Multi Criteria Analysis’ (MCA) is to be used. It is critical for the applicant to now led parties through MCA procedure (i.e. individually, or through groups). This work is intended to occur during February and March, where a first step will be for the project team to undertake a draft MCA internally for distribution. This should act as template for workshopping needed with groups, to understand areas of difference and agreement. The selected BPO may differ between the applicant, community individuals/groups and hapū. This will be clearly articulated within the application, with the hope to narrow down any potential differences.

Option M1: Existing treatment process and addition of a tertiary membrane Discharge to new outfall and diffuser $17.02m. Membrane aerated bioreactor is a new technology that has a very small footprint and is 5-6 times more energy efficient than processes such as activated sludge. . . may be applicable for upgrades at Raglan WWTP.

Option M2: MBR and UV treatment. Discharge to new outfall and diffuser $30.3m

Option F1: MBR and UV treatment Freshwater diffuse discharge $30.8m

Option L1: Additional tertiary treatment after existing ponds and UV Treatment. Discharge to public land and to new outfall and diffuser $24.99m

Option L2: Existing ponds and UV treatment. Discharge to private land (storage at private land) $58.662m

Option L3: Additional tertiary treatment after existing ponds and UV treatment. Discharge to private land and to new outfall and diffuser $41.93m

Option L4: MBR and UV treatment. Discharge to public land and to new outfall and diffuser $43.15m

Theoretical scenario building was needed to construct the above table of costs. The areas highlighted below were used for the potential public land option costing (L1). There is no land secured for such a discharge option, however there is ability to investigate the potential of this option with land managers and users if favour exists for its pursual. Relevant parties would be the Raglan Golf Club, WDC Parks Department, DoC and hapū.

Raglan WTP has tripped several times on poor power quality. The plant can be reset and restarted remotely but requires a site visit each time to reset the Chlorine monitoring panel. The cause of the power dips is being investigated. Some rodent damage to cables has been found and repaired. The site main transformer appears to be in poor condition. History of this transformer is being investigated.

Dec/Jan. Wallis St WWPS had x2 100mm Flygt discharge bends on the floor of the PS and x2 cast iron risers were replaced. Whilst the existing pumps were in good condition here, the PS was not working optimally due to issues with the discharge bends. On replacement, there is a noted improvement in the pumping capacity on site.

A new Magflow meter was installed at Bow St reservoir in late Jan. The existing Magflow was providing the reticulation team with faulty readings and info, and due to a pressure zoning project planned by the assets team, the installation of a new Magflow to provide accurate data was crucial. The install was simply a straight swap out.

works in the week of 22nd Feb – 30 meters require splitting – complex meter project

A major water leak occurred 26 Dec (Boxing Day) at Main St. A 150mm AC main had decoupled at a connection point. A hydroexcavator was used to expose the line and the repair was enacted with minimal disruption to customers.

Raglan WW Model recalibration and System performance project commenced, this will provide a better understanding of network performance in wet weather and the ability of the network to service growth. It will also provide commentary for the WWTP discharge consent on network inflow and infiltration issues.

Raglan WWTP consent budget insufficient. Rectified in 2021 LTP.

Stormwater Update

 Investigation/maintenance completed at the Aroaro wetland, Raglan. These works highlighted issues with the grades and hydraulics in the area. Resolving this is likely to be complex. Further works and option analysis will be added to the Stormwater CAPEX.

 Issued the revised Stormwater Management Plan to WRC.

 Cambrae Road flood mitigation design awarded to Stantec. Design almost complete. Discussions with Contractor have commenced.

 Updated WRC on the Raglan abatement notice. Currently they are happy with the progress. Main outstanding items:

o Updating of the monitoring/sampling program (70% complete) – Looking at a data share agreement with WRC for their harbour water quality testing.

 Further discussions with Parks and Roading Alliance regarding responsibilities and trying to work together where possible. Draft responsibilities spreadsheet circulated in preparation for the next grey areas workshop. Return communication has been slow.

The Raglan stormwater Discharge Consent has an Abatement Notice for 2018/2019 compliance period highlighting non compliances. The main issues are:

 Water Quality results and mitigation (hydrocarbons and heavy metals)

 High risk site identification and education

 Reporting (changes to SW network)

 Review and update of the monitoring program Watercare has completed a detailed review of the outstanding non-compliant consent conditions. Following this review the following actions have been undertaken:

 High risk sites have been identified and discussions with landowners/managers have been undertaken. There are 2 sites requiring further follow up – 2020/2021 (Ongoing). 

WRC mentioned they were happy with the progress towards the existing abatement notice.Other issues missing from the agenda are Long Term Plan, Calvert Rd & Rose St parking, Government Rd/ Bayview stop signs, Greenslade Rd junction, Raglan Naturally, Wainui Rd wooden footbridge, Park Dr safety measures, Lorenzen Bay playground, Cliff St one-way, Te Uku Recycling, Whāingaroa Catchment Management Plan, dog & horse issues, Rangitahi, Hills Rd water tower, glyphosate, volunteer worker safety, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, weedbusters, Joyce Petchell and Puriri Park toilets to be wrapped with environment messaging and Manu Bay planting. 

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