This summary of the agenda for the March 26th Raglan Community Board agenda prepared by John Lawson, Secretary of Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Inc., 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email
The next Raglan Community Board meeting is Wed 26 March at 1.30pm in the Raglan Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum will be near the start of the formal meeting, giving an opportunity to discuss issues. You might prefer to email/phone the Board.
Wednesday’s agenda includes –
- Recreation Study to go to consultation “in the second half of March”. Draft includes “Sport Waikato have provided survey data that highlights . . . Satisfaction with Cycling tracks, Walking tracks, Good access to PA opportunities, Beach, Gym, Horse Access . . . there is a potential for inundation and indirect inundation at both the Raglan Recreation Reserve and Papahua Reserve in between 2050 and 2070 . . . Raglan is known nationwide for its black sandy beaches and surfing [there are no surfing plans] . . . Respondents who commented on mountain bike trails indicated a level of satisfaction with the existing network of trails. Hence, I do not consider this a priority for development.”
- Rural waste services proposal to replace Te Mata and Te Uku sites with fortnightly pop-up recycling events to decrease fly tipping.
- Draft Waste Minimisation and Management Plan 2025 – 2031 “to go out for community consultation at the same time.”
- Long Term Plan “11 Apr – 11 May: Public consultation . . . drop in sessions for Raglan, to include Raglan Creative Market, Raglan Growers Friday market and drop in sessions at the library.”
- Structure Plan “Spatial Planning Team to come back to the May board meeting to discuss pre-circulated stocktake of commercial and industrial land. Aquaculture Working Group to approach the community directly for discussions on Aquacultures potential ”
- Wainui Reserve 30 year plan “New item for monitoring moving forward (added 17 March) . . . zoom call with Parks and Reserves team on 18 March and iwi”. May include kerping the cattle.
- Mayoral Community Awards RCB asked to make a nomination by 1 May.
- Code of Conduct 84 pages of RCB’s agenda, including adding an “assessment stage to quickly deal with complaints that are trivial, vexatious, or politically motivated”.
- Speed limits “Rangitahi has . . . a number of roads falling outside the existing 40km/hr speed limit. As the majority of the town has a 40km/hr speed limit it was recommended that this be extended to cover the area”.
- Stormwater “water inflow current practice is a consent requirement” at AroAro.
- Alcohol ban consultation 1 May – 1 June.
- Wi Neera South End walkway “concrete pour for the toe is 80% complete rest will be done on next spring tides”.
- Sewage further soil sampling being done on Wainui Reserve.
- Civil Defence “Civil defense exercise to be held on 28th March”.
- Over flow parking at Wainui “unfortunately gates are again closed in weekends”.
- Soundsplash “verbal update will be provided at the meeting around next steps in the process regarding reporting back to the board on the 2025 event”.
- CCTV “expect the final designs to be completed in March and will provide an update for the meeting”.
- Greenslade Rd Reserve playground “boardwalk design is to be amended as the consent requirements demand a structural design of the timber boardwalk over the stream and wetland”.
- Manu Bay RCB asked for boatramp detail, but WDC say it, “relates to legally privileged information”.
- Camp ground – stormwater as last agenda.
- Discretionary fund has $6,696.04.
These items are not on RCB’s agenda –
WDC LTP 11/3
Lorenzen Bay Road/Main Rd roundabout 2031 $6m
Te Hutewai Rd Roundabout 2027 $0.5m
Wainui Rd Roundabout 2028 $15.5m
Raglan New Bridge Investigation 2026 $0.3m
Wainui Bridge Signals 2032 $0.3m
Wainui Rd Bridge -Upgrade to two lane bridge 2029 $17m
2024/25 | 2025/26 | 2026/27 | |
Raglan to Hamilton bus | $135,705 | $141,133 | $146,778 |
WRC Transport 10/3
bus use 2024 Q4 17,400 -5.4% from 24,600, on time 52.4%
Infrastructure 5/2
steering group for Youth Centre – assessing the feasibility of building a centre
The gully has layers of volcanic ash deposits, made up of materials from silty clays to fine sands. In the middle of the gully, windblown sands have settled on the valley slopes, adding to the mix of sediments. Near the shoreline, these deposits are overlain by dunes made of fine sand mixed with silt. The types of soils in the middle and upper parts of the gully don’t let water soak in easily. There is a risk that a flow path could form across the beach. To better understand how flows might impact the sand dunes, further testing is being done in the dune area.
Other issues missing from the RCB agenda – Bushpark cycle access, WRC LTP, Papahua erosion, bus publicity, Cliff St pohutukawas, development next to 4 Square, freedom camping, footpath obstruction by cafes, old Harbour Care site, Manu Bay planting, Raglan Naturally, overflow car parking, fluoride, Community Energy Whāingaroa, roading, Blueprints, organic waste, rubbish on SH23, Area School road safety, 3 Bow St, Greenslade Rd SH23 junction, Connectivity Strategy, Surf2surf walkway, speeding on Main Rd, Harbour Strategy, Animal Control late responses, cycle counts, Bayview Rd safety, Canada geese, Cliff St, Park Dr/Long St crossing, town square, Town Hall Committee, WRAP, Calvert Rd parking, volunteer worker safety, Puriri Park.
Should WED be taking up these or other issues?