Mar 24: Raglan Ramblers will be descending into Te Toto Gorge

Rocky beach below Te Toto Gorge – Image John Lawson

On the 24th March, Raglan Ramblers will be descending into Te Toto Gorge. Although the walk is only 4 kilometres, there are steep 220 metre climbs down to the beach, round the cliff, formed of layers of ash and lava, and back up; it’s worth frequent stops to look at the natural history, archaeology, geology and bush, gorge and sea views. Please bring your lunch.

There is no membership – the only cost is 10 cents per km to share travel costs. Details from John 825 7866. Check out Raglan Ramblers on Facebook- All walks start at 9am from the James St/ Wallis St corner near Catholic church.

Each “Rambler” accepts responsibility for any accident or injury received while travelling, or walking over private property. Be prepared – carry enough food, clothing, first aid kit for emergencies and preferably a mobile phone.

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