Waka Kotahi news

State Highway 23 will be closed near Te Uku for a few hours on Wednesday 15 March, to
retrieve a concrete truck which rolled off the road last week.
The road will be closed from 10am and is expected to reopen around 2pm.
Cordons will be in place from the east and west end of Okete Road, with traffic detoured along this
road. Motorists should expect an additional 10-20 minutes of travel time.
In the event of bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances, this work may be postponed.
Visit Waka Kotahi’s Journey Planner website for up-to-date information on the road closure, detours,
traffic, road works and delays.
Waka Kotahi thanks motorists for their patience.
Plan ahead for a safe, enjoyable journey. Keep up to date with:
• Traffic updates: journeys.nzta.govt.nz/traffic
• Facebook: facebook.com/NZTAWaikatoBoP
• Twitter: twitter.com/WakaKotahiWaiBP
• Journey planner: journeys.nzta.govt.nz
• Phone: 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49)
We have a vision of zero deaths and serious injuries on New Zealand roads. Learn more about:
• Road to Zero – our plan to achieve this vision
• Our vision – video explaining Road to Zero and what we’re trying to achieve
• What Waka Kotahi is doing to support Road to Zero
For more information please contact:
Natasha Utting
Media Manager
Mobile: 021 507 990
Email: Natasha.Utting@nzta.govt.nz
Website: nzta.govt.nz