Mar 10: Raglan Community Board meeting

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 10 March at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pm

This analysis of the Raglan Community Board agenda prepared by Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated Registered no.1912150
from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 10 March at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues. 

The agenda is at As the February meeting was inquorate, this month’s agenda has only 4 new items – funding requests (see below) and reports from the camp ground and info centre. Items on the agenda include –

  1. Election of new chairman (until the by-election no women remain – I know Lisa Thomson plans to stand. Who else is standing for election?) by the Board.
  2. Long Term Plan submission period will be 16/3 to 17/4.
  3. Rezoning – there is more information at than on the RCB agenda.
  4. “The Board would like a structure plan for Raglan for the next 30 years.”
  5. “The Board would like to hold a workshop during the winter to look at options to solve the long term parking issues.”
  6. Rangitahi development – “Staff to advise the Board why the hearing was adjourned.”
  7. “Cliff St rocks are slipping” – work “underway”.
  8. Wall at Lorenzen Bay – work “underway” ( says it’s complete).
  9. “Vegetation around Marine Parade . . . has now been cleared.”
  10. Tree policy proposed to include planting fruit and nut trees, no tree planting on rural roads, improving sight-lines on main roads, improving views, reducing shade.
  11. Civil Defence – aim to set up a Community Response Plan review group and a tsunami evacuation plan.
  12. Cemetery plot policy – “Staff are recommending a change in the numbers of plots able to be pre-purchased”
  13. Coastal Reserves Committee minutes of 8/12 and 9/2 (next meeting 5.30pm Mon 9 March Supper Room).
  14. Discretionary fund has $13,241. St Peters wants $3,000 (WDC Heritage fund is contributing $8,000 to $16,057 cost) to repair stained glass (partly damaged by a shot). Raglan House want $500 for the shopping bus.
  15. Sewage plant improvements listed with planned dates.

Should WED be taking up these, or any other issues? This agenda is almost identicalto the last, except it doesn’t cover Christmas policing. There is still no report on a heated swimming pool and no mention of items previously left unresolved, such as a water meter cost/benefit analysis, road upgrades, Waingaro Hot Springs, wharf pontoon, Vodafone, footbridge signs, or Freedom camping (a report was to go to the February meeting).

You can contact the Community Board members who are:-

Alan Vink

Bob Macleod

Boyde Turongo Dixon 021 299 2203

Jon Taylor

Matt Holl

Clint Baddeley (councillor)

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