Making a stand for the Waikato: 10-year strategy released for feedback

Waikato Regional Council news

Is Waikato Regional Council putting its effort on the right issues over the next decade?

Now’s your chance to have your say, with the council opening for feedback on its new 10-year strategy for two weeks from today (Friday, 14 February).

“We’ve kept this strategy purposefully high level,” said council chair Russ Rimmington. “It sets out why we are here, what we stand for, our values, the commitment we make to every individual and organisation who uses our services, and the principles that guide our work,” he said.

Every element of the draft strategy is designed to push the council towards our vision for the mighty Waikato of “empowering our people, caring for our place”.

The purpose hasn’t changed. It’s about a healthy environment, strong economy and vibrant communities. There are also 3-year goals for success, as well as six priorities:

  • Water, because water is life.
  • Biodiversity, because protecting nature protects our future.
  • Sustainable infrastructure, because we need to build with nature in mind.
  • Climate, because we want a better tomorrow.
  • Coastal marine, because we can turn the tide.
  • Transport connections, because a connected region matters.

“It’s a draft at the moment, and councillors want to hear if we’ve got it right when it comes to the big things we must focus on for the Waikato region over the next decade,” Cr Rimmington said.

The draft strategy is on the council’s website at

Feedback from residents, ratepayers, iwi and stakeholders will be analysed, summarised and presented to councillors in March with some recommendations from staff. It is set to be adopted at the end of March.

There are a number of ways to give your feedback

  • Complete a few simple questions in an online survey that is secure and anonymous. The survey closes on Sunday, 1 March.
  • Attend one of three drop-in sessions to talk with staff and councillors, and to complete the survey.
    • Thames

4-6pm on Monday, 24 February 2020

Thames War Memorial Hall, corner of Mary and Queen streets

  • Hamilton

10.30am-12.30pm on Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The Link, corner of Te Aroha Street and River Road

  • Taupō

12-2pm on Friday, 28 February 2020

Taupō Library, Story Place.

One thought on “Making a stand for the Waikato: 10-year strategy released for feedback”

  1. Where is the importance of swamps mentioned in these reports?
    Regional Council&District Councils allows Developers to dig out and damage large swamps that feed the headwaters of major mountain streams and dam them up to form private ponds which are banked up for their new subdivision roadways/driveways.Thus stopping the natural flow and water volume from the stream and upsetting the springs of the swamp and other farm properties downstream. i.e. Mangarewarewa Stream on Te Tahi Rd.
    These mountain streams are the life-cleansing water that have & should flow into the main rivers, this case Waipa.

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