Maiden voyage of Wahine Moe

Studying the limestone formations from the upper deck of the Wahine Moe
Charlie Young welcomes people aboard

Not long after yesterday’s launch of the new tour boat, Wahine Moe, excited Directors Charlie Young and Erin Rogers decided that an impromptu maiden voyage was needed.  After gathering up friends and whanau the boat set off at 11am for a quick trip of the Whaingaroa harbour.   The voyagers were rewarded with music from the mega speaker sound system, champagne, pretzels and the magnificent views.

Enjoying the maiden voyage of the Wahine Moe

The Wahine Moe visited the northern shoreline with Angeline Greensill explaining about the various historic pa sites that were along that shoreline.   The height of the boat means that amazing views of the limestone formations and the native bush above them are possible.  After passing some fishos on the old Te Akau wharf the boat turned and came back to the wharf along the southern shore.

Berthed at Raglan Wharf

Coming back to Raglan Wharf, the powerful bow thrusters made berthing at the wharf a straightforward manouvre.

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