Update 10.31am 15 April 2015. WDC have advised, “Recall the message, “Media Advisory – Last days for Waikato district residents to give feedback on 10 year plan “.
Media Release: Waikato Dsitrict Council, 15.04.2015
In April, over 30,000 consultation documents were distributed to ratepayers and residents across the district outlining Council’s budgets and plans for community development over the next 10 years.
To date, nearly 500 submissions have been received on a variety of issues including a district-wide waste minimisation strategy, a water assets assessment programme and the extension of library services.
Residents wanting to provide feedback can email consult@waidc.govt, submit online at www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/10years or complete a submission form at their local library of or Council office.