Lake Disappear near Kawhia next up for Ramblers

Lake Disappear off the old Kawhia Rd - Image John Lawson

On the 27th July, Raglan Ramblers are off on the old Kawhia Rd from Lake Disappear. The lake is 1.5 km
long when there is too much water for the limestone sink which drains it. The road is quiet now that the river has eroded and closed it.  You’ll need to bring your lunch for this one.

All walks start 9am Wednesdays from Wainui Rd car park (next to Raglan Fire Station).  There is no membership – the only cost is 10 cents per km to share travel costs.  Details from John 825 7866.   Check out Raglan Ramblers on Facebook

3 thoughts on “Lake Disappear near Kawhia next up for Ramblers

  1. kia ora,
    I`m wondering if your rambling group has ever walked from Kawhia to Raglan along the coast. I`m thinking of doing this in summer from the northern end of Aotea Harbour in Kawhia to Raglan. I realise I`ll have to duck inland in parts, and don`t know the area that well. Are there any huts along the way?
    Last summer I walked from Mt Maunganui to the Whakatane Heads soley along the coast, it took 23 hours, but I did it in stages. Any info/advice you have would be greatly received.
    Thannks, ora.

  2. John is the best one to answer your enquiry. He is overseas until early September . From the walking that the Ramblers have done in that area, it would be a possibility, but better for John to direct you when he returns.

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