Chris Mitchell and Yann Bordier have two great weeks of holiday fun and learning lined up for Janaury 2012 at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre in Stewart St.
First up is the ARTS DISCOVERY WEEK running from Monday 9 January – Friday 13 January from 9.00am – 3.00pm each day.
Monday 9 January
Museum visit
Design your own castle
Tuesday 10 January
Sand castle competition
Outdoor boccia & beach olympics
Wednesday 11 January
Bush walk collection
Kaitoke plant and insect collection
Thursday 12 January
Photo Shoot – Be a Star!
Plant screenprints & collage drawing
Friday 13 January
Tastes and smells
French sweet breads and scone baking
After a one week break Chris and Yann are back for a RAGLAN BAY DISCOVERY WEEK
from Monday 23 January– Friday 27 January from 9.00am – 3.00pm each day.
Monday 23 January
Glass painting
Candle holders and snow balls
Tuesday 24 January
Harbour cruise with picnic
Wednesday 25 January
Make your own video!
Wall painting and video making
Thursday 26 January
What’s lurking under rocks?
Low tide discovery and screenprinting
Friday 27 January
It’s all about food Pizza baking
$17 for a half day, $29 a day or $140 for the week
NB: $10 additional cost for harbour cruise
(subsidies may be available – please ask)
Register at Old School Arts Centre
10-2 Mon, Wed & Fri or info@raglanartscentre.co.nz or