Xtreme Zero Waste news
? Our kerbside collection on Friday 15th May will remain for both Thursday and Friday zones AND we will be picking up pre-paid bags and foodwaste bins only.
♻️ Next week commencing 18th May, our collections will include all recycling, pre paid rubbish bags and foodwaste. Please remember to continue washing and squashing and separating your recycling.
Thursday and Fridays areas will now be on THURSDAY
Tuesday and Wednesday areas will now be on TUESDAY
? Rural Residents: Te Uku & Te Mata Seafrieght containers will re-open this Thursday. Please only drop blue or yellow pre-paid bags, and correctly deposit your recycling.
? Rural drop offs will return to their original containment – Te Mata Road end, Maungatawhiri Road End, Okete Road end, Waitetuna drop off site and Cogswell Road end – Pre-paid bags only
Nau mai haere mai ? Xtreme Zero Waste site, shop and services are back OPEN from this Thursday 14th May from 12:30pm. ? This includes drop offs for greenwaste, cleanfill, landfill and clean ready-for-resale shop items. ? We look forward to seeing you again! ?
Safety on site is very important for both you and our team, so we ask you to follow our signage, be kind, and respect any instruction or requests from our team.
⚠️ We will be collecting info for contact tracing as you drive in
⚠️ Please maintain 2 metre distancing while on site.
⚠️ Due to the high volume of drop offs predicted, please spread out your big loads across a few days.
⚠️ Hand sanitiser will be available at shop entry, shop counter and the public recycling bay (that Niki’s recently rennovated so beautifuly!)
⚠️ If you are unwell please stay at home and we hope that you feel better soon.
??? We are excited to have freshly bagged compost for sale for you budding gardeners, our metal and woodyard is all tidy ready for your new found passion for DIY, and there’s plenty of warm winter gears in Kāhu’s Nest!
?? Please share this with your neighbourhood groups, grab a screenshot for friends not on FB. And we look forward to seeing you on site soon (just hopefully not all on the same day!) Thank you Whāingaroa for all your support and patience