KASM talk to MPs to get seabed mining off fast-track bill

KASM News: Help us get seabed mining out of the fast-track bill

Right now, the government is deciding on the list of fast track projects it wants to include in its fast-track bill. It has appointed a special group of advisors to whom the wannabe seabed miners and other dodgy projects have had to apply for consideration to be eligible to be considered under the bill.

KASM expect this list to be published, latest, by October when the Select Committee reports the bill back to the House. But it could be earlier…

KASM say they know that seabed mining shouldn’t be on the list and that it’s an utterly unsustainable industry that even our Supreme Court has ruled against.

KASM say they also know that National is getting a little wary of its coalition partners over-reaching on a variety of issues. And that includes National MPs.

To that end, earlier this month KASM committee members June Penn, Stace Hill and Paulina Sadowska met with local MP Barbara Kuriger and fellow National MP Cameron Brewer.

They gave them their views on seabed mining and the fast track, and they left the MP’s with copies of our cheat sheet with key facts, along with a copy of KASM’s submission on seabed mining.

If you’re keen to help, and have some time to either meet with an MP or simply send an email to Christopher Luxon, KASM have put together a guide for you.

Click here to go to our guide to lobbying an MP on seabed mining
It can be as simple as sending an email. Or picking up the phone. 
KASM says they’ve got all the links there for how to contact an MP, and some guidelines on what to say. 

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