A few years back St Peter’s Anglican Church began holding a Friday evening sausage sizzle with local choirs singing carols. The event proved a popular addition to the Raglan Christmas calendar and each year has grown in popularity. Last year there was a problem fitting everybody in the church so this year the St Peter’s vestry committee decided to move the event to the Raglan Town Hall. It was the right decision with about 150 people attending Kai and Carols last night.

Guitarists Peter Skandera and Dave Maybee started the evening followed by Slipped Disc. A clever segue saw Slipped Disc finish their bracket singing Blue Smoke accompanied by Sean Ellison and his Angels. The Angels included some spirituals in their line-up and these were appreciated by the audience with many joining in. They finished with Pokarekare Ana with the wording adjusted for the occasion to ‘Whaingaroa’.

Then it was time for the kai with the smell of barbequed sausages wafting into the hall. Sean blessed the food then the audience moved into the supper room to enjoy the sausages and socialise.
The second half saw Mighty River Harmony sing some of their barbershop numbers and carols. And after that it was time for the audience and the choirs to sing some more carols.
A big thank you to St Peter’s for organising the event and to the choirs and cooks for making it happen.