Jun 9: Watercare undertaking dye testing of Raglan wastewater discharge

Raglan WWTP Outfall dye testing planned for Tuesday June 9th

As part of existing Regional Council (WRC) discharge consent conditions, Waikato District Council (WDC) periodically undertakes dye testing (non-toxic) and an outlet inspection by divers at the harbour outfall (i.e. to understand performance and ensure correct operation). This is an action required at wastewater treatment plant outfalls in the Waikato district.

The Watercare Operations Engineers are keen to provide a ‘heads up’ that an opportunity has arisen to engage our dive team on June 9th between 1-3pm to carry out this work. This aligns with the planned discharge of treated wastewater on the outgoing tide. We understand this opportunity has come together very quickly, which hasn’t allowed for community/hapu notice beyond this message.

Approximate location of the outfall (Google Earth 2019)

In terms of knowledge building for the discharge consent application, there will be opportunity now to pair the outfall modelling information gathered in 2019 with this physical testing. There will be aerial (drone) and photo footage of the discharge plume taken. This information can be presented at the next engagement sessions.

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