Jun 23: Raglan Community Board Meeting

This summary of the agenda prepared by John Lawson of Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Inc. Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email johnragla@gmail.com

The next Board meeting is Tue 23 June at 1.30pm in the Raglan Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum will be part of the formal meeting, giving the usual opportunity to discuss issues. You can also contact the Community Board members:- Bob MacLeod, Chris Rayner, Dennis Amoore, Gabrielle Parson, Lisa Thomson, Satnam Bains and Tony Oosten.

The agenda includes – 

  1. Footpaths – “Due to COVID-19 there will be no drop-in session/open day. All information will be available on Waikato District Council’s facebook page”. It isn’t. 
  • Innovating Streets funding application – no details.
  • camp entranceway through to the pedestrian bridge. . . discussions will continue to refine the proposed alignment.”
  • funds for shared Cliff St path need to be used by June 2021.
  1. Freedom Camping – infringement notices rose from 149 in 2018/19 to 397 in 4 summer months, 66 of them during Soundsplash. Nearly 99% were in Raglan.
  2. Coastal Reserves Management Plan – consultation to be 7 Oct to 7 Dec.
  3. Representation Review – STV review by 12 Sep, Māori wards by 23 Nov and boundaries proposal in March, with final version by 31 Aug 2021 and appeals decided by 11 April 2022.
  4. Wharf Provincial Growth Fund $2.5m granted. Working groups set up to plan structural improvements (WED asked why they were needed after the 2011 post-fire rebuild and for terms of the grant, but has had no answer), floating pontoons, safety (handrail project now included) and 2 access and parking groups (“As part of the council’s co-funding requirement, work will be undertaken to explore parking and access improvements along Wallis Street and Aro Aro Park”).
  5. Feb Internal planning workshops – RCB set 3 year goals and 90 Day Plan, but no detail given.
  6. Long Term Plan 2021-31 – RCB to be informed “and get involved as they see fit.
  7. Soundsplash – “Council’s Monitoring Officer will now be in attendance at the June 2020 Community Board meeting”.
  8. Manu Bay tree planting – 3050m2 to be converted from steep mown slope to tree cover.
  9. Manu Bay Breakwater – meetings with the key stakeholders to discuss removal of rock adjacent to the breakwater expected to be completed in July. eCoast report says relocation of rock to top of beach will not impact surfing wave quality.
  10. i-Site – Business Chamber, Raglan Naturally, Whaingaroa Raglan Destination Management Organisation, RCB, WDC, Museum and Ngati Mahanga aim to open 1 July, when WDC funding ends, though suggesting $60,000 WDC funding in first year. May initially be volunteer and only open a few hours a day. New patio space on waterside considered.
  11. Community Growth Co-Creation of Community Projects process sets out how WDC aim to create projects with only staff, councillor and WDC-identified stakeholder involvement. RCB proposal includes community to “offer feedback in a constructive manner” and “Makes cake!
  12. Calvert Road parking – meeting held – no details.
  13. Sewage resource consent – next Wastewater Discharge Consent meeting date and location to be announced soon. Dye testing done. Options still include existing outfall, extending it, polishing wetland treatment, irrigation with seasonal storage, hydroponics or other crops and vermi-composting.
  14. Xtreme Zero Waste – Dallas Butler, Operations Manager on XZW Trust, etc
  15. Gilmour St – “design is ongoing by Beca.” (as it was in Feb)
  16. Wainui Rd footbridge (near sewage ponds) rebuild was to be Feb/March, but “being reprogrammed following the COVID-19 restrictions”.
  17. Cliff Street Jetty – “Awaiting updated schedule from Frame Group and the contractor.”
  18. Whaingaroa Raglan Affordable Housing Project – Nov 2019 report in agenda for information.
  19. Discretionary fund has $8,002. The next funding application closes on 3 July.
  20. Harbour Board leases – information to be given to August meeting.
  21. Rally – no mention that September road rally cancelled.
  22. Raglan Naturally – verbal report to be given.
  23. Maataitai Street proposed for Rangitahi name.

The agenda misses out –

Agenda for Waters Governance Board 23 June 2020

10 May – “communications failure at Raglan WTP and Networks. This was due to a Spark Cisco modem failure on Sunday 10th evening. Comms were not available until Tuesday the 12th of May as Chorus technicians were not available.”

Other issues missing from the agenda are Whāingaroa Catchment Management Plan, report on sewage spill from Government Rd, Solid Waste Review, Climate Response report, RCB’s priority action list, consultation with WDC on extra buses for Whatawhata, James St and Museum bus stops and shelters, Town Hall and Campground committees, Rangitahi, Hills Rd water tower, glyphosate, volunteer worker safety, parking infringement money, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, weedbusters, etc. Should WED be taking up these or other issues?

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