Jun 15 to 26: SH23, Glentui – installation of subsoil drainage

NZ Transport Agency News

NZ Transport Agency advises that drainage work is programmed for Monday 15 June to Friday 26 June 2020 during the daytime at Glentui.
The Agency and Fulton Hogan say that as part of their ongoing road maintenance commitment, they will be carrying out subsoil drainage operations shortly on SH23, Glentui.

This work is being carried out by Fulton Hogan Waikato on behalf of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, and they want to ensure you are aware of what is happening and when, and who to contact if you have any questions.

What is the type of work we will be doing?
Work will include trenching the shoulder, back-filling with drainage metal followed by topsoil. Vehicle access to and from properties may be limited when we carry out some of the works. Please speak with the crews on site who will navigate you through the works to properties.

Where and when will the work take place?
There are two areas to be completed and these are identified by the markers labelled as Site 1 and Site 2 (shown above). The sites include the area between the markers.
The work is expected to take two weeks to complete and will take place between the hours of 7am and 5pm, with our crews on site the week commencing 15 June 2020. How will this work affect me?
Traffic management will be in place to keep our staff safe while working on the road. This may require a lane closure or Stop/Go with a speed restriction of 30km/h at all times.
Emergency services will be given priority access at all times through our work sites.

Stay updated
If you are not already subscribed to our emails, they encourage you to join the distribution list so email updates can be sent to you letting you know when we will be in the area carrying out the subsoil drainage shown above.
To do this send an email to west.waikato@fultonhogan.com and they will make sure you are included.
To check when we are in your area, visit the Transport Agency’s Travel info website:

A big thank you from us
On behalf of Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Fulton Hogan Waikato, thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while we do this important work in your community.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to someone about this upcoming project, contact our 24/7 number 0800 WAI NOC (0800 924 662) so we can address your concerns prior to starting work.
You can also call the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on 0800 HIGHWAYS about any highways issue.

Fulton Hogan Waikato

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