This summary of the Raglan Community Board meeting was prepared by John Lawson of Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Inc. Contact details for WED are Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Wed 14 June at 1.30pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum will be near the start of the formal meeting, giving the usual opportunity to discuss issues. You might prefer to email/phone the Community Board members:- Chris Rayner, Dennis Amoore, Kiri Binnersley, Lisa Thomson, Ross Wallis, Satnam Bains and Tony Oosten.
Wednesday’s agenda, again lacks information on verbal reports, but it includes –
- Bus survey main proposal of 38-slide consultant’s Raglan bus report is to increase weekend buses from 2 a day. 12% say they’d use a local bus daily, but, based on “Taupo + Thames” use (though Raglan use 55% : Waikato 33% and lower car ownership), “the results indicate very low frequency of use. . . Average bus vehicle cost = circa $50,000 per annum plus operating costs. . . Likely to generate less than $5,000 fare revenue per year. For a fixed route service costs are likely in excess of $100,000 per annum”. Still not clear if $100,000 pa, $300,000, or what, is in LTP. “A roughly hourly service between Whalebay and Raglan, with stops at Manu Bay and Ngarunui Beach” and “Extend walking and cycling network, including to Whale Bay“, are mentioned, bu t the maps only show bus options to Rangitahi, though for dial-a-ride “WDC could provide funding directly to community transport organisation or service provider.” Problems of parking and congestion not costed and carbon not mentioned, nor that WDC/Waka Kotahi propose $69m for road upgrades, but $15m on active transport and nothing extra for buses (see below). So not surprising it concludes, “The uptake is likely to be very low, as cost / travel time is unattractive compared to driving“.
- Civil Defence “The Board will organise a community meeting about Civil Defence in the coming months. . . plan on the basis that Raglan would be capable of standing on its own for three days . . . meeting with various community groups and individuals”.
- Te Uku Recycling Centre “only permanent solution would be to dis-establish and introduce a kerbside recycling collection in the area. This would be a . . . cost to ratepayers in the area. Cameras have been installed in the past, however, were destroyed within a week. There is no plan to reinstall. There is no contract in place regarding clearing litter from the surrounding area noting Council does not own this land”.
- Xtreme Zero Waste met to discuss how to educate the public to cut 40% of organic waste in blue bags (see Infrastructure item below), Climate Response and Resilience Strategy, options for future services to rural areas, blue bag costs.
- Surf2surf walkway “how we can retain the history of the existing path, possibly by cutting out key named blocks . . plan is to have two memorial seats with the names of everyone who contributed to the path and a story board”.
- Cars Speeding on Main Road by BP “Staff met with the traffic division of the police . . . They are required to focus on high risk routes which are all with a posted speed limit of 80km and over . . . Lower speed limit areas may be policed by the local departments however this is in addition to their usual duties.”.
- Rubbish on State Highway 23 “Waka Kotahi . . . contacted about this complaint. Awaiting response.”
- Emergency works on Swann Access Road “wash out and repair costs estimated cost $112,500.”
- Hamilton Car Club rally on Ruapuke Rd “was successfully supported by council”.
- Road safety hui at Raglan Area School “to discuss issues and possible solutions.”
- Levels of Services Schedule sets out planned frequency of maintenance, eg lights, litter, mowing.
- Connectivity Strategy consultation “Completed.”.
- Freedom Camping workshop held – no detail.
- 2024 Long Term Plan Building Blocks workshop held (see below).
- 3 Bow St “Raglan Community Board Chairperson and Councillor catch up – discussed”.
- Wi Neera Walkway Sets out case for additional budget, including “Disruption to usage when water main is eventually upgraded”.
- Soundsplash – “Team Leader will provide an update out of meeting cycle to the Board.”
- Greenslade Rd safety only working on maps. No mention of plans to make SH23 junction safe.
- Playground – Greenslade Rd Reserve – “Environmental consultants have provided the Ecological & Floodplain Assessment which is currently being reviewed. Once site constraints are known, location options for the playground can be explored.”
- Long term planning/Blueprints “community board members should have had an email from Jim Ebenhoh, Planning and Policy Manager, asking for comments on the existing blueprints. However, having reviewed Raglan’s Blueprint with Councilor Thomson this week I suggest this may be an opportunity for us to update the Raglan blueprint”.
- Wharf “mulch is in place with planting to take place shortly. . . balustrade is being installed . . . working towards final tidy up before opening with invites sent out for Friday 16th June – 7am. . . Western Walkway . . . progressing through consenting with design being refined confirming stormwater layout . . . information boards under the Pohutukawa on eastern side and four small information boards on western side . . . Up to 8 information boards – examples that Niall has shared in previous emails. 4 smaller ones (one with an explanation of the kahawai lure) 3 others to be spaced out along the western walkway. 2 to 3 larger ones (depending on space) beside the footpath to the floating pontoon. . . . Simon Te Wheoro . . . Stainless steel balustrading . . . whakatauki and specific species from here cut out in the panels . . . opening of the whole wharf project . . . closer to Christmas. . . Wooden bench seating x3: the seat backing will be carved (front and back) with paua inlay. Sculpture – paa kahawai/lure: constructed from marble/stainless steel, with wood and paua inlay on a wooden plinth”.
- Manu Bay Breakwater – “Tonkin Taylor has provided the options developed to Shaw at eCoast for assessment of effects. This will be complete in the first week of June . . . peer review by WSP. . . stakeholder meeting . . .late June”.
- Water Supply Reticulation Upgrade “350 meters of new, upsized, and resilient pipelines have been successfully installed . . . daytime road closure of Gilmour Street was carried out smoothly, with careful communication to residents and road users. . . will continue . . . from the BP . . . to Long Street . . . to Cross St . . . a road detour will be implemented on Long Street, and conventional traffic management will be employed on Main Road.”
- Raglan Naturally verbal report.
Discretionary fund $7,916 remains.