Jul 15: Calling all candidates: help shape the Waikato district

Have you thought about standing for election

Media Release: Waikato District Council, 23 June 2016

October is local body election time. Waikato District Council is calling for all eligible voters to make sure they’re enrolled to vote before the electoral roll closes on Friday 12 August. Potential candidates need to register to stand before that same date.

Voters elect representatives on the district’s council and community boards. Local voters can also vote for our district’s representatives on the Waikato Regional Council, the Waikato District Health Board, the Counties Manukau District Health Board and the Te Kauwhata Licensing Trust.

Waikato District Council’s Electoral Officer, Dale Ofsoske, says successful local candidates will get the chance to shape their community over the next three years, while voters will get a say on who will represent it.

“This is the time to think about how your role in local body elections – whether as a candidate or a voter – can make a difference to you, your family, friends and whanau.”

New candidates and existing representatives can stand for mayor, ward councillor or community board member positions in the district. Candidate nominations open on 15 July and close on 12 August 2016.

“To encourage more people to put their names forward, our Council is also holding a candidate information evening on Tuesday, 19 July in the Council Chambers in Ngaruawahia,” says Mr Ofsoke.

For more information about Waikato district elections including the candidate information evening, go to the Council’s elections website at www.votewaikato.co.nz.

To check you’re enrolled to vote or to enrol by Friday, 12 August – go to the Electoral Commission’s website at www.elections.org.nz; call the Electoral Commission’s freephone on 0800 36 76 56; or text them your name and address free to 3676.

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