SH 23 Raglan to (SH39) Whatawhata
The Raglan to Hamilton section of SH23 opened early on the evening of Friday 3rd March. Waka Kotahi had expected the highway would open on 4th March. It had been closed for several weeks due to a slip.
Waka Kotahi advises:
31 Jan 2023 9:45am Road Hazard: Caution – Slip
– Image supplied
SH23 is now open using a temporary road following an underslip west of Glentui Lane. Travel with caution between Karakariki Rd and Waitetuna Valley Rd.
The detour route is no longer required.
Work to repair the under-slip is ongoing and will take several months to complete.
And local author Peter W Birch has written a story about Earl, the cat who was the unofficial site manager. On Facebook he announced that the children’s story “Earl’s Corner” is now available. 23 pages, photos, PDF-file. It is about Earl the cat, a hole in the road and a working crew. Ready to read to the kids. If you are interested please send Peter a PM and pay $5 to:38-9006-0786236-00 and “Earl” and “your name” All proceeds will go to charity. After he receives your order he will send you the link, starting Saturdfay 4th March 04.03.2023. Please note: His message could be in your “requests” folder! Please note: He is not interested in profit, this is a 100% pro bono project. All money will go in equal parts to the Raglan Community House, to Feed The Kids and to the Raglan Foodbank.
- SH23 Dinsdale: Due to the Dinsdale Water Supply Upgrade project, traffic management will be in place around the Dinsdale Roundabout, Rifle Range Road, and the Rifle Range Road and Massey Street intersection until mid-February, dependent on weather and project progress. Full completion of the project is expected by late-April. The northbound lane of Rifle Range Road is closed to traffic. More information.
Road resurfacing takes place near Newcastle Road and Melva Street on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 March, between the hours of 7pm and 6am each night. During this time access to SH23 from both side roads will be closed, please follow local road detours. Stop/go traffic management and a temporary speed limit will be in place on SH23.