Interview with Trevor Penfold about his upcoming exhibition and book launch at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre

By Brenda Kidd, Raglan Old School Arts Centre

Dust Jacket copy for ad image.inddMulti award-winning photographer Trevor Penfold took 5 mins out of his busy schedule to talk to Raglan Old School Arts Centre (OSAC) about his passion for wildlife, which has culminated in his latest book Wild Behaviour – A New Zealand perspective.

OSAC You already have a well deserved reputation for stunning wildlife   photography – what was the particular inspiration behind this book?

TP Well my main goal with my photography is to get more people to get in more contact with Native Wildlife, to protect and preserve wildlife everywhere. For this exhibition and book I named ‘Wild Behaviour, A New Zealand Perspective covering only specific, endemic and native animals in New Zealand.  Looking at it from a conservation point as well not just great pictures, to give people a better idea about the situation of many of the species are in because people don’t realise the trouble a  lot of New Zealand wildlife is in, and towards the back of the book I spent the whole chapter on different groups and organisations that are actually trying to make a difference so it gives their contact details and what they’re trying to achieve so hopefully if people are inspired by the book they might actually want to contact these groups to see if there is anything they can do as well.

OSAC Will the photographs and book be for sale?

TP Yes but it’s for people to come and just look as well and to raise awareness.  Hopefully people won’t feel intimidated and think ..’oh cant go cause can’t afford to pay for anything.’

OSAC So this is a philanthropic endeavour as well as artistic?

TP Well 10% of the profits from the book Wild Behaviour go to the organisations I mentioned that are in the book as well, so that’s how we generate some income as well for the groups that are trying to do something.

OSAC – So you would have seen a bit of New Zealand – favourite part?

TP – Favourite part?  Oooh different areas have different favourite parts.  As far as living I don’t think you can realistically beat Raglan!!  As far as photographing different species, down around the Caitlins and stuff, I love it down there, and around the Dunedin peninsula, fantastic for sealions… penguins.

OSAC – Wild behaviour is a study of behaviour not just images for the sake of images.

TP  – Yes because of my love of wildlife, I don’t necessarily take a couple of photographs and I’m off, I can be sitting studying animals for days, weeks trying to watch their behaviour.  By understanding their behaviour enables me to get the shots I’m after.  And that’s that big difference.

OSAC – Is there observational text to accompany the images?

TP – Yes there’s text right through the book, each image has a caption with it so people can see the story behind the shot, which I write, and right at the back of the book are thumb shots of each image as well with all the camera settings for those people that are also interested in the photography side of things.

Wild Behaviour

Book Launch and Exhibition opening at the Raglan Old School Arts Centre, Stewaert St, Raglan.

Saturday April 06th 10.00 am – 12.00 pm

Exhibition runs April 06th – 13th 10.00 am – 5 pm daily.


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