The course will be facilitated by Stephanie Philp of MetaMorphosis Ltd and consist of 130 plus hours. The course is divided into 3 x 6 day blocks with about a month between each block so participants have time to integrate and practice what they’ve learnt.What’s NLP?
A look at the individual components of NLP make it clearer how NLP might be useful to you.
Neuro Linguistic Programming So a fuller definition of NLP is, how the relationship between your mind and body, (Neuro) is affected by your language (Linguistic) and how you can programme your own brain (Programming) to be more effective.
All behaviour has structure
NLP is based on the understanding that all behaviour has structure. Once you understand that structure, you can transform unhelpful or destructive behaviours into useful new behaviours so you (or others) can be your best more often.
NLP has been around since the mid seventies and has expanded exponentially with hundreds of thousands of Practitioners around the world.
The reason for such huge growth?
It works! Quickly and easily!
You can find out more here