Hooked on Native Fish Free Community Workshop

Banded Kokupu - Stephen Moore Landcare Research

As a part of NZ Landcare Trust’s Hooked on Native Fish project, a 2 day community workshop will take place in Raglan on April 23-24. The aim is to introduce our native fish, the streams they live in and the catchments surrounding the streams.

On the Friday morning (April 23) there will be a special session with local school children, while the afternoon is for the grownups. As well as meeting some native fish, we’ll look at excellent examples of fish passage and consider the benefits of riparian planting and compare with the consequences of not planting.

There’ll also be diverse presentations from educators, farmers, community members and scientists exploring  a variety of topics including:

  • The big picture: Catchment management and restoration.
  • Farming fish and farming cows sustainably.
  • Educating the community, educating our kids.

On the Saturday, we’ll tour around some key sites in the Raglan area looking at some great riparian and catchment restoration examples, plus pay a visit to the Harbourcare Nursery. So if you have questions for the experts this event provides the ideal opportunity to get answers!

If you are interested in coming along for all or part of this free community workshop or would like more information simply contact Regional Coordinator Monica Peters:-

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