Hapu says Council response to sewage spills is not good enough.

150819Sign-No-swimming-039648After the most recent spill of sewage into the harbour at 78 Greenslade Road, theTainui hapu says that  the Waikato District Council response is not good enough. A media release by WDC General Manager Tim Harty had provided little information on what was being done.  Hapu environmental spokesperson Angeline Greensill asked the Council, “How many staff have you got working to fix this latest problem and what is involved?”

Council waters manager Martin Mould responded saying, “We currently have 5 staff plus CCTV contractor carrying out these inspections with other staff assisting as there workloads permit.”

Mr Mould added, “We have identified 280 Sewer manholes within 100 meters of waterways in Raglan and have prioritised  Lorenzen bay/Greenslade Road area. The work involves lifting these manholes for a visual inspection, a CCTV inspection of critical assets or any others that fail the visual inspection. The Lorenzen Bay/Greenslade Road area is expected to be complete by Friday afternoon with all of the visual inspection of  280 manholes complete by the end of next week. This work will then be scheduled as an annual inspection. Any defects will be prioritised and addressed.

Raglan 23 website is running a poll on WDC’s management of the Raglan wastewater system. As of 21st August, 84% says that management of wastewater needs to be improved a lot.



The full text of the email conversation follows:

rom: Angeline Greensill
Sent: Wednesday, 19 August 2015 10:13 p.m.
To: Martin Mould

Subject: Re: Wastewater Overflow rear of 78 Greenslade Road Raglan

Kia ora Martin,

Raw sewage entering the harbour is something the hapu have raised concerns about for over 40 years, so this latest spill is not good enough.  We understand that increased storage capacity is planned for Nihinihi avenue but it seems that may also be required in the East of Raglan to deal with overflows probably caused by the increased growth in housing.

How many staff have you got working to fix this latest problem and what is involved?

If there are only one or two employees,  I would suggest WDC provide  more staff to help check the  wastewater pipeline and pump stations as many  have been in use since the 1970’s and require maintenance and probably  replacing.

Please keep us informed as to future steps to help avoid this happening again in the future.

heoi ano

Angeline Greensill

Environmental Spokesperson

Tainui Hapu



From: Martin Mould

Subject: RE: Wastewater Overflow rear of 78 Greenslade Road Raglan

Date: 20 August 2015 12:48:30 pm +1200

To: Angeline Greensill

Hi Angeline

Thanks for your email,

We have identified 280 Sewer manholes within 100 meters of waterways in Raglan and have prioritised  Lorenzen bay/Greenslade Road area. The work involves lifting these manholes for a visual inspection, a CCTV inspection of critical assets or any others that fail the visual inspection. The Lorenzen bay/Greenslade Road area is expected to be complete by Friday afternoon with all of the visual inspection of  280 manholes complete by the end of next week.

This work will then be scheduled as an annual inspection. Any defects will be prioritised and addressed.

We currently have 5 staff plus CCTV contractor carrying out these inspections with other staff assisting as there workloads permit.


Martin Mould

Waters Manager

Waikato District Council



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