Green MP talks on Raglan housing

Denise Roche - Green MP on Housing
Denise Roche - Green MP on Housing

After November’s election the number of Green MPs increased from 9 to 14. Among the new MPs is Denise Roche. Denise lives on Waiheke and covers industrial relations, community and voluntary sector and community economic development, waste, gambling, state services and Auckland issues. Denise says “I’ve always thought of Raglan as a kind of sister town to Waiheke, with some very similar issues around community and tourism, and waste and development, including the pressure on housing from bach owners.”

Habitat for Humanity is starting their first Raglan build at 8am on Monday 12 March (to volunteer ring 849 0284), so a meeting on housing is timely. Denise said, “Green policy is for 1,000 dwellings a year from groups such as Habitat, plus 3,000 state houses. I think an extra 4,000 low running cost, low energy homes, each year and funding and support to repair and renovate rural housing would make the difference communities like ours need. We also need to support older people so that they can remain in their own homes, or move into suitable housing, which scarcely exists in Raglan, and which can free larger housing for families.”

The public meeting is at Community House on Bow St from 3pm on Saturday 3 March.
For more information see –
Green Policy on housing
Feasibility Study- Whaingaroa Raglan Housing Affordability 2008

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