Good News For Modern Man



Words and Photos: Rob Whitall

Imagine a guitarist from heaven, drummer from hell and vocals that tie it together and at the same time tear it down. I am describing how I feel about our very own Raglan based band Good News for Modern Man.

The talk around town is about the next or the last performance of Good News for Modern Man the band that delivers powerful and gritty blues soul funk voodoo mix every time they play. The trio is a “real” band you can see it and feel it from the first moment they are on stage, their presence is incredible and they have the sounds match.

Music taste is a personal thing and we all have our own likes and dislikes but what I describe as amazing music, is music that connects with a wide audience no matter what their age or personal preference might normally be. Good News for Modern Man has got you covered because it just gets into that place that makes you want to move and enjoy. Perhaps because it’s a mix of genres, I don’t know but somehow those familiar blues beats mixed with a little funk punk voodoo really gets you going. When they play the dance floor is packed out and everyone in the place is getting down to it.

On vocals, Fanga (The Reverend Velcro Johnson) is a lost art form… a mix between Bowie, Jagger and David Bryne. On stage he is totally unique, expressive both vocally and physically, you can see he is living the prose with true passion.  A vive to die for and a stage presence that only a true artist can ever have. Tall thin and with a slightly gaunt face he has all the looks and talents to fit the profile of a rock star.

On guitar is Felix, and alongside Fanga he is the ideal complement up front. Felix can “Play” the guitar, he can pull sounds out of that thing that remind me of Stevi Ray, Buddy Guy and JJ Cale, my favorites all rolled into one. He has a wealth of ability and he is seamless with his changes, fingers walking that neck like a ballerina and then suddenly switches to a mad man with the slide, brilliant stuff. Wearing a casual cream linen summer suit, wide brim hat, shades and sporting a big beard, it all gives the impression that this man has just walked out of deep South Louisiana brandishing a whole lot of talent.

At the back is a powerhouse of beats, the very talented Dione on Drums. What is it about female drummers, is it a pre requisite that they are they are all uber cool? Dione flirts with and beats those drums to bring the whole sound together. She dances over the drums pushing out the bass line and top end, there is no Bass guitar so Dione is taking it all on. Dashing black hair, coy smile and a sexy punk style brings a touch of class to the trio.

The net result is a band that brings the house down while getting the audience up and dancing. Its infectious and intoxicating visually and audibly, you cannot help but get up there and let the music flood your soul, move those feet and strut your stuff!

On describing their genres of music themselves… it’s the easiest way of describing the unique sounds they have.

Fanga… Gothic, punk, blues, jazz, rhythm n blues.


Dione… dirty, grinding, alternative blues.


Felix… Garage blues with a touch of Voodoo…


The name came about from a Jehovah witness leaflet that was presented to Fanga, the top of which was titled “Good news for modern man”.  Realizing the light was shining on him and the hand of God was obviously at play, it was decided that this was obviously to be the name of the band….

The band has only been together for nine months but in that time a cohesive feel has been created. Felix and Dione have known each other for quite a few years from when Felix was living on Waiheke. Felix has known Fanga since moving to Raglan some seven years ago. It took some time for the two to get together and play/sing but once they did they both knew it felt like a good thing. Felix immediately thought of Dione, she would be the perfect drummer to accompany them. The first time they all jammed it was a done deal and the band was created… As ever finding time to practice is never easy, as normal lives have to be contended with but when Dione is down from Waiheke.  It’s all about the band getting together to run through the line up and develop new tunes.
The idea is to grow and take the show on the road and if all goes to plan then they might be supporting Cornerstone Roots for a few Aussie dates, which is a mega step up for the trio. Their last show at the Yot club was recorded by Tom McCormick their soundman and apparently they are mixing and mastering the songs for release soon.

Dione grew up with music, her mother ran music festivals so she has been submerged in the performing circle for a long time. At fourteen she picked up the stix and has been beating the drums ever since but like all good musicians she is multi talented and can play the guitar and bass.
Fanga in his previous life believes he was Beethoven’s page turner… He started singing  in the choir at his Catholic school but didn’t really start getting in to it until later in life.

Over the past thirty years he has only been in three bands of any consequence but remembers the good times with a band called Blinder that was a bunch of Raglan surfers that rocked the parties of yester year…

Felix is a long time muso and through passion and drive he manages to make it the main focus of his life. Often out of town helping out at shows as a sounds man or on stage playing. Felix grew up in west Auckland and started his auntie’s organ as a kid, today he plays guitar, bass, keys and his own home made electronic experimental instruments.

The material is a group effort and very organic, Fanga might have some lyrics or Felix could have a riff, from there it is just grown into what it feels like it should be. The key being not trying to hard but letting the natural flow of the trio decides the destiny of the song and sound. Their passion comes from creating and performing and perhaps even perfecting.

So the next time you see a poster or hear news of Good News for Modern Man playing, then get yourself down there to support the band and its efforts, I promise you it’s worth it.

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