Full house at Raglan PechaKucha Night Vol. 3

Business and personal coach Stephanie Philp shares stories from her annual limited edition Raglan calendar
Business and personal coach Stephanie Philp shares stories from her annual limited edition Raglan calendar

The full house sign went up on Saturday for Raglan’s PechaKucha Night Vol. 3.  The interesting line-up attracted both locals  and visitors in Raglan for the weekend.

The highlight of the evening was Jamie Bruce’s presentation of the architectural design elements for the new Raglan Museum currently being completed.  The audience was surprised to learn that it will be possible to suspend a small car from the portal frames inside the building. Jamie said,  “I appreciated the opportunity to share with others some of the reasons / ideas behind the building’s design decisions.”

One audience member commented on the skills of Robyn Gallagher’s presentation with her impeccable timing and pics selected to highlight the strange discoveries possible using a 50-year old travel guide. Bob MacLeod’s presentation on supporting the volunteer fire brigade was hilarious and very entertaining.   And the Around Raglan in 1910 segment was appreciated by the locals who grew up in Raglan.

Robert Batters twenty slides of the Te Uku Wind Farm has everything from Maori cultural considerations through to an appreciation of the size of the towers.  Rosie Worsp  showed how her style came from life experiences and Rick gave us an appreciation of some of the environmental damage caused by wars.

All in all a great night with people demanding more and some volunteer presenters putting their hand up for next time.

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