First candidate out of the blocks in Waikato Mayoral contest

Media Release: Cathro for Change

Waikato boy stands for Mayor and stands for change

Cathro for Change – it’s cliché, but it’s exactly what new Waikato District mayoral candidate Brian Cathro is standing for – change.

Brian Cathro - Waikato Mayoral candidate - Image supplied
Brian Cathro – Waikato Mayoral candidate – Image supplied

Born and raised in Ngaruawahia with strong family ties to the community, Cathro’s number one quality is working with people. He believes it is time the balance of power shifts back to the people.

“The key to achieving the communities’ potential is the people’s voice becoming strong again. I’m part of our district, I’m part of our communities, I’ve been a part of it my whole life and now I want to be the part that leads change.”

Cathro describes himself as an “everyday guy” who is tired of the status quo and believes there is so much untapped potential within the Waikato District.

“Waikato district is moving forward, but there is much more to be done to ensure that it is a great place to live, work, and raise a family. It’s time for new blood, fresh ideas and strong leadership to create a community focus”

Cathro believes it all starts with tackling some of the District’s most pressing issues.

“We need to do more to help our communities strive, to future proof our towns and retain youth in our district by bringing new companies and the jobs they create to the Waikato. Not to our neighbouring cities, to the Waikato District”

“It’s also time the rural community had a voice within council. I’m hard pushed to find any meaningful effort to improve conditions for farmers which is remarkable given the amount of rates they contribute”

Waikato’s best assets are our people, he said. A big believer in not one size fits all, Cathro understands the diversity of Waikato and thinks it’s time council acknowledge the fact.

“It’s time our communities were listened to and recognised for their individual needs. We are stronger as a district when we work together, when we celebrate our differences and unite behind our common goals of making Waikato District a wonderful place to be”

Cathro said serving the District where he grew up will be hugely rewarding.

“I have the experience, ideas, and proven ability to bring people together to solve the problems facing Waikato District so that everyone can prosper. I am passionate about our district and its future. ”

Brian Cathro
Phone: 021-412626

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