UPDATE 28th January: Since this item was published on 2nd January, Ultrafast Fast Fibre have carried out required reinstatement work and website address checkers appear to be working correctly.
With Ultrafast Fibre going live across Raglan on 1st January 2020 there appears to be confusion with fibre retailers on where it is available.
A check of 6 Cambrae Road using the Ultrafast Fibre web address checker shows that fibre broadband is available from 1st January 2020 at 16 Cambrae Road just along the street. (Ultrafast Fibre have advised that service is available at 6 Cambrae Road.) Using the Slingshot web address checker shows that fibre broadband is available at 6 Cambrae Rd. Over at the Spark, Vodafone and Chorus websites the checkers show that fibre service is not available at this address and only the old slow ADSL service is available.
Vodafone say that only the slow ADSL service is available Spark says fibre isn’t available
So it may be best for Raglanites to deal with a fibre retailer who says fibre service is available if they decide to get connected.
Meanwhile some Raglanites have been waiting months to get damage done during the fibre installation to be fixed. After multiple requests over a four month period, the road outside 4 and 6 Cambrae Road was reinstated satisfactorily, however a concrete hole cut in the driveway to 8 Cambrae Road still needs to fixed. Over on Simon Road damage done to the concrete footpath when slabs were cut out, is still waiting to be fixed.