From Raglan Netball Club
Welcome to an exciting new 2017 season of both twilight and competitive netball!
We’ll be kicking off the twilight season on Thursday the 9th of Feb. Games will be held at 4pm for juniors. Senior games will be at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm respectively. Registrations for teams close on the 2nd of February, with full team fees paid by Feb 16th – NO EXCEPTIONS. Non-payment of fees by this date will mean that your team is not eligible for competition points.
This season there will be a set cost of $5 per junior player (5 to 14 years).
Senior teams are not required to have a junior player on their team this season, however they are still able to play junior players should they wish to do so. The fees for senior teams will be $150. Please note that there is a maximum of 12 players per team.
If we have less than six teams the season will not go ahead so please ensure to log your interest promptly!
Our competitive season musters will be held on Sunday the 12th of Feb and the following Saturday 18th of Feb, starting at 10am. Further details of the muster will be posted in the next week.
Look forward to seeing you all soon. If you have any queries, please contact either Jenelle Bunker on 021536357 or Jax Gillett on 0273278464.
And check out the Raglan Netball Facebook: