Feb 2016 Raglan Community Board Newsletter

The Raglan Community Board would like to take this opportunity to thank our community for its ability to absorb such a busy summer period – visitors from all over have enjoyed our amazing backyard; our beaches, surf, food, fishing, shopping, arts and music to name a few of our attractions.

However, we acknowledge that our slice of paradise comes with major challenges for our community; parking, the proliferation of rubbish, and the impact that has on our environment, overnight freedom camping, public bus transport, just to name a few issues that are increasingly in our conversations., the board is committed to finding workable solutions, and we want your involvement.

How can you be involved?

  • Attend our board meetings, speak at our public forum, raise concerns, and suggest solutions.
  • We encourage your participation in any submission processes that will directly impact our community.
  • Keep yourself informed, go online to www.waikato.district.govt.nz
  • If you identify a problem or have any issues visit our local council office or go online to www.waikato.district.govt.nz and

Community Board meeting update 9th February 2016

Public Forum

  • Support of Peter Haworth as the replacement community board member with the resignation of Matt Holl last year.
  • Increased number of campervans parked around the greater Raglan area, including along the Whaanga coast, some of which have spent up to three weeks camping on the roadside. Could the Raglan rugby grounds be an alternative option for these campers as it has showers/toilets, and the club could charge to have revenue?
  • Launching at the wharf up to 5 boats at a time wanting to go out, look at extending the area to accommodate more boats, parking and public spaces.
  • Make from Orca to the roundabout on Bow Street, one way, and also from Bankart Street to Bow Street to make it more pedestrian friendly.
  • Update on the status of Whaingaro Hot Springs – council has not yet heard back from the courts.
  • Buses did not run on public holidays both Saturday and Monday of Waitangi weekend.
  • Concern was raised over the use of glyphosate spray and the impact it has on our water table, not a good option in residential areas, information on it was given to council.
  • Violet Street traffic and dangerous driving, an accident waiting to happen.


  • Fiona Edwards from Whaingaroa Harbour Care spoke about the work that Harbour Care has done, and continuing to do in our catchment – did you know that since Harbour Care has been operating, they have planted almost 1.5 million native trees! Well done Harbour Care.
  • Maryann Tuao – presented the design of a mural that will be painted onto our changing sheds at Te Kopua Domain. The Youth Public Art workshop which was held in Raglan, under the guidance of Paul Bradley (artist) mentored a group of our rangatahi, who in turn created a beautiful mural concept. Painting will take place on the weekend of 5th & 6th of March – the board looks forward to seeing the finished work.

RCB Meeting

  • 7.1 Community Board Vacancy; the board voted to appoint Peter Haworth to the position of Board member for the remainder of the current term.
  • 7.2 Appointment of Deputy Chairperson; Bob McLeod was duly appointed.
  • 7.3 Time of Board Meetings; RCB meetings to commence at 2pm, following an open forum held at 1.30pm.
  • 7.4 Discretionary Fund Report; the board queried payment of LGNZ CPEC workshop payment, council to look at current process on expenditure.
  • 7.5 Survey Result – Engagement with Community Boards; Board requested an annual district wide Community Board meeting.
  • 7.7 Raglan Bus Transport Service; RCB requested a workshop on bus services, to include representatives from WDC, Regional Council and Transport NZ.
  • 7.8 Raglan Works & Issues Report; Request for rubbish/recycling bins Riria Kereopa Memorial Drive by the toilets.
  • Memorandum Page 43: Norrie Ave and Stewart Street parking; RCB to have an onsite meeting with council re Stewart Street.RCB supports Option 1: Provide additional parking on grass berm of Stewart Street.
  • 7.10 Parking activity in Raglan during the peak summer period; Revenue taken for parking, how is it used in the Raglan Community; RCB requested that council support and implement phase 2 of parking survey under the guidance/direction of RCB

One thought on “Feb 2016 Raglan Community Board Newsletter”

  1. Great to see RCB having a bus workshop, unfortunately at a time when the bus users are at work and school. Is it possible to have a report on the workshop and an opportunity to contribute electronically?

    1. Hi Anthea, we will have notes from the workshop available and where to next from here. This was really a starting point meeting and we expect robust community consultation moving forward – at which point a public workshop (at a time suitable to the majority of bus users) will be made. Thanks for your interest. Kelly / RCB.

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