Feb 13: Ramblers back in hot water

Kawhia Beach and Tasman Sea - Image John Lawson
Kawhia Beach and Tasman Sea – Image John Lawson

On the 13th February, Raglan Ramblers are off again to Kawhia and its hot water beach. The low tide is at 2pm, so the beach hot pools can be dug from about noon, with time for a walk and a look at the museum first. A towel, togs, spade and lunch will be useful.

More photos on the Rambler’s Facebook.

Walks usually start 9 am, Wednesdays, from James St near the Catholic Church and the intersection with Wallis St.

There is no membership – the only cost is 10 cents per km to share travel costs. Details from John 825 7866. Check out Raglan Ramblers on Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/RaglanRamblers/.

2 thoughts on “Feb 13: Ramblers back in hot water

  1. Low water is at 10.26 at Kawhia not as indicated.
    Ramblers have said must leave by 9am to catch hot pools.

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