Feb 12: Raglan Community Board meeting

Next meeting of the Raglan Community Board is on Tuesday 12 February.

This summary of the agenda prepared by the Secretary of Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated, John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email johnrag@vodafone.co.nz

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 12 February at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues, but you can also contact the Community Board members. 

The agenda includes –

  1. Proposed $79.29 Raglan Food Waste Targeted Rate “Breakdown provided to the Chair. Xtreme Zero Waste have applied to Te Kopua Camp Ground Committee for funding to continue service for another year. Potential to apply to the Ministry for the Environment for an exemption to pay carbon tax at landfill to reduce cost.”

  2. Bow St titoki trees – to be replaced in April. No mention of RCB condition of having “a comprehensive building plan in place”.

  3. Bus stops – “Regional Council have asked minor changes to the bus stops which will be completed in the coming weeks”. No mention of new stops in James St and Bow St.

  4. Blueprint plan – consultation for a month from just before next RCB meeting. Hope to present Raglan Naturally survey results on Tuesday.

  5. Parking – 9 Dec-26 Jan – 25 freedom camping patrols issued 52 tickets, 570 other parking tickets, 94 for WOF/licence. Stewart St and Joyce Petchell car park asphalt to be laid and marked on 29 Jan.

  6. Gilmour St “Upgrade” – swales, pipes and probably rain garden in 2019, then road kerb and footpath next summer. Still no mention of cycling.

  7. Raglan Coastal Reserves 10 Dec minutes. New Years fireworks. Soundsplash – “Traffic management provider is used to running events of 100000+ . . .. Ben Harper concert 13th April 2019, Brian and Naomi to return at our Feb [agendameeting”.Manu Bay breakwater – waiting for responses to mediator. RCB minutes say, “Mr Averill from Opus will be invited to speak”.

  8. Dog Exercise area on Marine Parade for Boat Trailers “installed to create extra parking for boat trailers at the request of the Community.”

  9. Sewage – $130,000 spent on Holiday Park pump valve, non-return chamber and main replacement, campervan dump point moved to meet NZ standards, 1.4km of pipeline replaced. In Jan/Feb further 700m of pipeline, replace high risk manhole with plastic manhole, 3 submersible pumps, 4 non-return valves, step screens by 30 June, tender to be prepared for tertiary membranesSewage spills – 29 this year, 3 in Nov, 4 in Dec, 2 of them not dealt with in allowed time. 1 of 3 alarms not dealt with in time.

  10. Toilet replacements – Joyce Petchell drinking fountain and dog bowl installed – total $155,000, Cliff St open 20 Dec $200,000, Ngarunui Beach tender this month.

  11. Mowing – RCB to organise workshop to discuss.

  12. Wi Neera St drain – completion mid Feb.

  13. Wharf railings – these have regularly been on the agenda since at least 2016! Now “Discussion between Council and Regional Council around monitoring equipment requirements ongoing. To engage engineer to review condition assessment, estimate costing to complete works and likely all of life cost (alongside likely lifespan). . . Contract document to be drafted. Final options with cost to be presented to Community Board.”

  14. Cemetery – driveway to be extended and RSA area allocated.

  15. Town Hall Committee 15 Nov minutes – WDC charged $250 to put back iron sheet, which had to be removed again to continue maintenance work!

  16. Discretionary fund has $2,554. Deadline for next fund applications in May.

Should WED be taking up these or other issues missing from the agenda, such as providing a street cleaning update at this meeting, Holiday Park stormwater, Coastal Hazard report, i-SITE tender, Wharf boardwalk, Hills Rd water tower, footpaths, cutting trees on reserves, glyphosate, Trails Strategy ($278,280 to be spent in 2018), volunteer worker safety, parking infringement money, harbour lease, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, cycleways, or land disposal of sewage? “will 

Panorama of Raglan calendars have not sold as well this year as last, so about 50 are still available at Raglan Bookshop, Bow St Gallery, Whaingaroa Organic Kai and Te Uku Store, to raise funds for Kaiwhenua Organics. Have you got one?

Hope to see you on Tuesday


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