This summary and analysis of the agenda is provided by the Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated Registered no.1912150
from Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email
The agenda is at Items on the agenda include –
- Long Term Plan submission period will be 16/3 to 17/4.
- Rezoning – there is more information at than on the RCB agenda.
- “The Board would like a structure plan for Raglan for the next 30 years.”
- “The Board would like to hold a workshop during the winter to look at options to solve the long-term parking issues.”
- Rangitahi development – “Staff to advise the Board why the hearing was adjourned.”
- “Cliff St rocks are slipping” – work “underway”.
- Wall at Lorenzen Bay – work “underway” ( says it’s complete).
- “Vegetation around Marine Parade . . . has now been cleared.”
- Tree policy proposed to include planting fruit and nut trees, no tree planting on rural roads, improving sight-lines on main roads, improving views, reducing shade.
- Fire Chief will provide an update on the lack of Police over Christmas/New Year.
- Civil Defence – aim to set up a Community Response Plan review group and a tsunami evacuation plan.
- Cemetery plot policy – “Staff are recommending a change in the numbers of plots able to be pre-purchased”
- Kopua playground work completed 15/12/14.
- Coastal Reserves Committee minutes of 8/12 (next meeting 5.30pm Mon 9 Feb Supper Room).
- Discretionary fund has $13,241. 5pm Fri 3/4 is the next deadline for applications.
- Sewage plant improvements listed with planned dates.
Should WED be taking up these, or any other issues? There is still no report on a heated swimming pool and no mention of items previously left unresolved, such as a water meter cost/benefit analysis, road upgrades, Waingaro Hot Springs, wharf pontoon, Vodafone, footbridge signs, or Freedom camping (a report was to go to this meeting).
Community Board members:
Alan Vink
Bob Macleod
Boyde Turongo Dixon 021 299 2203
Jon Taylor
Linda Cole
Matt Holl
Clint Baddeley (councillor)