Fast food giant coming to Raglan

Wendy's comning soon sign on the corner of Bankart and Bows Sts
Wendy’s coming soon sign on the corner of Bankart and Bows Sts

A large sign on the vacant lot on the corner of Bow St and Bankart St announces the coming arrival in Raglan of Wendy’s, the American the fast food  giant. The property at 1 Bankart St was cleared a few years ago for a multi-storey development that never went ahead. Recently, local real estate agent L J Hooker has had the land for sale, but there have been no takers.

The sign says that Wendy’s will be coming soon and that it will be hiring managers sooner. A closer look reveals that is has been stuck over the original real estate and  as this is April 1st, this is probably just an April Fool’s joke.

130401RaglanD-IMG_1999Other April Fool signs around Raglan announce the start of a campaign to put the ‘D’ back in Raglan.  Perhaps the campaign will have some success as some people spell it that way from time to time.



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