Fascinating lineup for Pecha Kucha Night

PechaKucha is back in town this Saturday with a fascinating lineup of presentations, just the thing to cheer us up on a cold winter evening.
“What is PechaKucha again?” I hear you ask. Very simply, a number of people share their ideas, interests or projects in mini-presentations of 20 images in 6 minutes 40 seconds. Presenters are people you know, or people you’d love to meet. Topics can be anything they’re passionate about and would like to tell others about. It might be their day job, it might be a hobby, it might be some special experience in their lives. PechaKucha, a world-wide entertainment format at 432 cities and towns, happens in Raglan at the Old School Arts Centre.

For this, the first PechaKucha night of 2011, the line-up is impressive:

  • Come and hear Jamie Bruce, local, award winning architectural designer of our new museum building, talking about what inspired him and the challenges of designing a building of this type
  • Robert Batters will be giving us the inside story on our very own Te Uku wind farm
  • Rick Thorpe will take us a long way from home to have a look at the oil fires of Kuwait
  • Back home again with Virginia Gallagher’s photographs of around Raglan in 1910 – a follow up to a previous presentation when the audience asked for “more please”
  • Daughter Robyn Gallagher is also a return presenter, with an intriguing glimpse of touring New Zealand with Maurice Shadbolt’s 50 year old guide book
  • Back to the present with some style ideas from Rosie Worsp
  • Business and personal coach Stephanie Philp will share ideas on designing a calendar
  • Bob MacLeod will offer some insights into the way our volunteer fire service works

Something for everyone, in fact. But PechaKucha is about much more than just sitting and watching what other people do, you can meet mix and mingle with presenters and their families and friends before and during the half-time break.  The cash bar is open from 7pm along with complimentary nibbles.  Just $7 on the door at the Old School in Stewart St, Saturday 30 July, 7.30pm – see you there.

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