Ecological restoration- Small scale community initiatives fund

Waikato Regional Council news

The Small Scale Community Initiatives Fund (SSCIF) supports volunteer community groups and individual landowners undertaking ecological restoration through animal and plant pest control.

Open/close dates

Applications open: 11 March 2019, 9:00 am
Applications close: 29 March 2019, 5:00 pm

Note the March 2019 round is a special round open to community groups only. Individual landowners can apply in the July 2019 funding round.

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How much is available?

$150,000 per year. The SSCIF is funded through the uniform annual general charge rate.

How much can you apply for?

Up to $5,000.

Information for applicants – please read first

Assessment criteria

Applications are assessed by a panel skilled in the area of pest control and ecological restoration, according to how well they meet the following criteria:

  • Environmental enhancement – how the project will directly promote, enhance or protect the Waikato region’s environment, with specific reference to ecological and/or biodiversity outcomes.
  • A well-developed project plan including measurable outcomes (e.g. a reduction in the rat population measured using tracking cards), a detailed budget and map of the project location/area.
  • Viability (the likelihood of the project’s success) – are the goals clear and will methods proposed achieve the goals in a cost effective way?
  • Community participation & awareness – does the project involve neighbouring land owners (scale) and/or the wider community and increase public awareness of biodiversity issues?

Who can apply?

Volunteer community based groups

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