Earth Hour in Raglan

Raglan Community Board at its last meeting complained that the Council had ignored its decision not to have signs painted on the footpath to remind parents to use seat belts for their children; the signs are now outside Plunket and the Chronicle. The reason they gave was a wish to avoid being part of ‘nanny state’. Possibly that was behind their decision to leave any initiative on Earth Hour to Whaingaroa Environmental Defence (WED). There was also a feeling that Earth Hour is only a token. It clearly is, but it’s also an opportunity to send a message to apathetic politicians about the importance of energy saving. So, turn off your mains switch and join WED for a moonlight stroll on Sat 27 March starting at 8.30pm from Community House, Bow St. Walk past the cafes to see which are supporting Earth Hour, then see the moon reflected in the harbour and get back by 9pm to one of the cafes.


As well as being a pleasant way to spend an hour away from the telly, it’s also an opportune time to walk on the soon to be raised footbridge and talk about rates, also going up, and the following Wednesday’s WED meeting to discuss annual plans on 31 March 7.30pm at Community House. WED convenor, Malibu Hamilton, said, “Raglan Naturally suggested the Community Board should be proactive. It’s a pity that on initiatives like this they still leave it to groups like WED to take the initiative. I hope to see those who agree we need proactive leadership at both these events.”

Press Release: John Lawson, Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Inc.

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