Driving from Auckland to Raglan for the best bread in the country

Jenny Carter - baker of Ruapuke Artisan Bread
Jenny Carter – baker of Ruapuke Artisan Bread

A road test article on the new Audi V8-powered RS6 Avant describes the drive from Auckland to Raglan. And Fairfax journalist ROB MAETZIG says the reason for picking this route for the test drive was, “Not only does the route from Auckland to Raglan offer some great racer roads in and around such places as Rotowaro and Waingaro, but there’s a business in Raglan that bakes what I reckon is the best sourdough bread in the country.” I agree, it is superb bread that Jenny bakes. Could there be any better reason for coming to Raglan than buying a loaf of Ruapuke Artisan Bread?

The article describes Raglan as a town with attitude and mentions the ultra-deep sea oil drilling and iron sand mining protests and gives a bit of history about earlier protests by Connie Stephens and Eva Rickard. And makes a very odd statement about Raglan’s sewage treatment plant.

The journalist does mention the car a bit saying, “The RS6 is also a capable vehicle when it comes to simply driving around town or cruising down a motorway and goes on to describe the automatic fuel efficiency system which shuts down up to four cylinders when they are not needed. “

2 thoughts on “Driving from Auckland to Raglan for the best bread in the country

  1. The Fairfax article has incorrect statements about the Raglan Wastewater Plant. The response from Waikato District Council General Manager Service Delivery, Tim Harty was:
    “The statement referred to in the Taranaki Daily News article is incorrect. As advised in Waikato District Council’s media release on 26 July 2013, there has only been one incident of untreated waste discharged into Raglan Harbour this year.

    Council operates the Raglan wastewater treatment plant under a resource consent authorised by the Waikato Regional Council which permits us to complete 20 unscheduled discharges of fully treated wastewater per annum. Between 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013, there were two unscheduled discharges of fully treated wastewater with no unscheduled discharges completed since 1 July 2013.”

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