Waikato District Council news

Waikato District Council is seeking feedback on its Easter Trading Policy, which allows shops to open on Easter Sunday.
The current policy, which was adopted in 2017, allows shops in the Waikato district to trade on Easter Sunday if they wish to. Without a policy, they would not be able to open unless they fit the criteria set out in section 4 of the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990.
The policy is due for review, and Council would like to hear whether you think we should continue to permit shops to trade on this day.
“We know that this may be something people feel passionately about, so it is important for people to have their say,” says Customer Support General Manager, Sue O’Gorman
Council carried out extensive community consultation in 2016/2017 and received 1268 submissions with 51% (656) in favour of shops being able to open. The majority opposed to the policy cited religious reasons, preserving our community culture or to make sure workers had a break.
At the time, Councillors acknowledged that the submissions were very evenly split. The views of those opposing the policy were discussed in detail as well as the benefits of giving shop owners the choice to open. Councillors voted to give business owners the choice and to ensure a consistent approach across the district.
“Even if you agree with the policy, or if you previously told us your views during the 2016/2017 consultation, we encourage you to make a submission,” says Mrs O’Gorman. “This feedback will be used during the decision-making process.”
People can have their say about the Easter Trading Policy from today (1 December). Consultation closes at 5pm on 16 January 2022. Those who wish to be heard in support of their submission will have the chance in February.
For more information, including the draft policy and Statement of Proposal, please visit our website www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/sayit.
The easiest way to provide feedback is to make your comments online but paper copies of all the relevant documents and submission forms are also available at all Council offices and libraries.