Dec 4: Last Community Board meeting of the year- Board to consider if Gilmour Street should be widened

The last meeting of the Raglan Community Board will be held in the Town Hall supper room this Tuesday 4th December at 2pm. This is a week earlier than usual. The public forum starts at 1.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues.

This summary of the agenda was prepared by John Lawson, Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Incorporated, 51 Cliff St, Raglan. 07 825 7866 email

The agenda includes –

  1. Gilmour St “Upgrade” – $400,000 to widen to 7.4m for extra parking, plus 1.5m footpath. Swale drainage to Stewart St with small rain garden. No mention of cycling.

  2. Bow St titoki trees – replacement with gardens “Supported provided a comprehensive building plan in place”.

  3. Bus stops – in response to suggestion that stops only used once a day be available for parking at other times – “no changes identified for these bus stop areas. Consultation with Regional Council and other users of the bus stop should take place prior to removing the bus stops.” Also proposal for new stops in James St and Bow St for double decker to be presented by Regional Council.

  4. Carparks – Stewart St 22 Nov-13 Dec, Joyce Petchell to be complete by Christmas, Wharf – “additional parking in front of Tony Sly pottery which is currently yellow hatched; and put in place a one way roading system . . . Re-marking hoped to be in place prior to Christmas.”

  5. Raglan Coastal Reserves 12 Nov minutes. Although Management Plan says horse riding is an approved activity on Wainui Reserve, gate was locked. Horse rider rep added to committee. Agreed “That no commercial activities be allowed on Ngarunui Beach by the surf tower due to environmental concerns, amount and use of fresh water and erosion of the dunes.” Fishing Club camera at Manu Bay.

  6. Manu Bay breakwater – “This matter is with Tim Clarke from Collaborative Solutions. There is no update”.

  7. `Dog Exercise area on Marine Parade for Boat Trailers – “What does the Community Board suggest for this area?”

  8. Street cleaning schedule “will provide an update at the next meeting. . . it is up to the individual operator to clean within reason any spillages of any food or drink outside of their own premises.”

  9. Sewage works – tertiary membrane to go to tender this month. Sewage spills – 26 this year, 4  in Oct.

  10. Wi Neera St drain – update at meeting.

  11. Toilet replacements – Joyce Petchell available to be painted, Cliff St by 6 Dec, Ngarunui Beach tender this month.

  12. Mowing – James St mowed.

  13. Opotoru Road – to be Rangitahi Rd from bridge and access to 6 properties to become Mara Kai La.

  14. Holiday Park stormwater Wainui Environmental designing drainage.

  15. Discretionary fund has $2,434. Deadline for next fund applications in 2019.

Other committees have also had these items –

Finance Committee

  • District Plan Review – Stage 2 Update with effects of climate change, but no mention of reducing it.

  • Coastal Hazard Assessment – Final report anticipated by Friday 21 Dec.

  • Consultation on the proposed $79.29 Raglan Food Waste Targeted Rate

  • Raglan i-SITE visitor services tender

  • Sewage – tertiary membrane tendering early in 2019 with an anticipated 4 month construction starting late in 2018/19.


  • Joyce Petchell – Heritage NZ authority to disturb the site was approved on 14 November and with a 15 working day mandatory appeal period, work can commence again from 5th December.


planners continue to allow lots of developments not compliant with building setbacks, vehicle entrance separation distance, etc.

WRC Strategy and Policy rejects most of the submissions made about improving Raglan’s buses and our regional councillors say they can’t achieve any change at the meeting.

Should WED be taking up these or other issues missing from the agenda, such as the Wharf boardwalk, Hills Rd water tower, footpaths, cutting trees on reserves, glyphosate, Trails Strategy ($278,280 to be spent in 2018), volunteer worker safety, parking infringement money, harbour lease, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, cycleways, or land disposal of sewage?

Panorama of Raglan calendars are on sale at Raglan Bookshop, Bow St Gallery, Whaingaroa Organic Kai and Te Uku Store for $15 to raise funds for Kaiwhenua Organics. Please support them.

Hope to see you on Tuesday and remember to complete the Raglan Naturally survey this weekend.

Merry Christmas


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