Waikato District Council news
The District Council is reminding people that its summer liquor bans are in force for Raglan and other Waikato areas. The ban started on December 23rd and runs through until January 6th. This ban is in addition to the permanent ban in Raglan township.
The council says that, “Liquor bans, which control when and where alcohol may be drunk in defined areas, were put in place by our communities several years ago to protect the public, and to support the police as well as people’s enjoyment.”

Regular bans are in place year round in the centres of many of the district’s towns –Raglan, Huntly, Meremere, Ngaruawahia, Taupiri, Te Kauwhata and Tuakau. These bans remain unchanged over the Christmas – New Year period.
However, in Raglan over the busy summer period the usual central township ’no liquor’ area is extended to a large surrounding area from 23 December to 6 January. This large area includes the peak of Karioi, all beaches and reserves. The council says that anyone breaching the bylaw may be fined.
Waikato District Council says that full information is on the web by referring to the full Alcohol Control Bylaw 2020.