A WDC meeting in Ngaruawahia on 5 Dec gave the final nod for what is known as Plan Change 14. Commonly called the Raglan Rezone, the approval followed a lengthy process, that began back in 2014, of consultation, submission and then an independent enquiry .
The approval sees the following changes to the District Plan occurring:
- A number of properties on Wallis Street from Living Zone to Business with Town Centre overlay;
- Two properties on Wainui Road adjacent to the Poihakena marae from Coastal Zone to Pa Zone;
- Establish a new Business overlay for a number of properties on Bankart Street and Wainui Road;
- Rezone 75 Rose Street from Living Zone to Business Zone; and
- Rezone the consented industrial areas of the Nau Mai Business Park from Rural Zone to Light Industrial Zone.

Bob Carter, of Tasman Lands Limited the company that has developed the Nau Mai Business Park on SH 23 said for him it had been an eleven year journey to get the business park fully approved. He added that now he would be able to subdivide sections to the smaller sizes that Raglan businesses wanted.
Any normal light industrial activities are permitted under the zoning change (provided they comply with the permitted performance standards in the District Plan for the zone). In addition the following types of operations are permitted at the business park: Timber and hardware merchant; (b) Farming supplies merchant; (c) Plant nurseries permanently contained in buildings or outdoor enclosures; (d) Landscape supplies; (e) Retail activities that are ancillary to any permitted activity. Retail activities shall not exceed 20 % of the floor area of the associated industrial building and the goods sold must be manufactured or stored within the site/lot excluding those activities (a), (b), (c) and (d) listed in this rule that have higher inherent retail component; (f) Dwelling for caretaker or security personnel (one dwelling per lot with a maximum 70m2 habitable floor area); (g) Veterinary practice; (h) Boarding kennels or catteries permanently contained in buildings or outdoor enclosures; (i) Research and technology activities involved in the research, development, manufacture and commercial application of advanced technology including but not limited to: agritechnology, energy technology, transportation technology, manufacture technology, soils/water/air resources; (j) An educational institution involving no more than 10 students; (k) Food outlet less than 200m2; (l) Office that is ancillary to any permitted activity; (m) Plant and equipment hire.
The changes in Wallis Street, Bankart St and Wainui Road give formal approval for the businesses that are already operating there.