Police news
Kia ora tatou,

You are invited to be part of the Community Safety Day planned for Saturday 17th December, 10-1pm by the Police Station.
- The purpose of the day for the community is to:
- Come along and meet our local Police crew,
- Share your ideas about community safety, what you love about Raglan and what makes you feel safe.
- Hear about what’s being planned for Raglan over the Summer from the Police, Animal Control, Community Patrol, Neighbourhood Support, St John Raglan + other organisations (to be confirmed).
- Learn about what’s happening in the community and how you can be involved.
- The purpose of the day for your organisation might be to:
- Share what you do and your plans for Summer
- Put a call out for volunteers and support
- Gather info from the community that would be helpful for your organisation
- We held a community meeting in the Town Hall in July about Community Safety. A working group has formed and met recently. The Community Safety Day was an action that came from our last meeting. If you are interested to join the working group or be kept informed please let us know.
If you would like to be part of the Community Safety Day on 17th December please let me know what that might look like, the space you would need etc. Feel free to contact Gabrielle or Lisa Thomson regarding this.
Ngaa mihi,
Gabrielle, Lisa and Lara