Dates for Bow St traffic closures still unconfirmed

Speed bump in Bow St, Raglan showing signs of failure (Left)

After extensive consultation with retailers on possible dates for the closure of Bow Street, Raglan to traffic, the Waikato District Council is still unable to confirm the dates when parts of the road will be closed to traffic.  A Council spokesperson said,  “The team are currently discussing the issue of Traffic management associated with the works.  They hope to have approval soon.  Once they receive approval the public will be notified accordingly.”  Council staff had originally programmed the closures in a busy period for retailers and tourists in the July school holidays.  Retailers proposed to Council staff that the roadworks should be from late July to early August.   At this stage it is a matter of waiting and seeing just when the closures will take place.

The closures are required to replace the speed bumps that are a feature of Raglan’s main street.  The speed bumps are slowly disintegrating and starting to fail from increased vehicle traffic.   Although pedestrians are encouraged to walk across the speed bumps, strangely enough the speed bumps are not legal pedestrian crossings and cars have right of way.   Council staff have indicated that the closures when they come will be restricted alternately to the Town Hall and Hotel side of Bow Street.   This means that vehicle access will be maintained in Bow Street throughout the period of the roadworks.  The footpaths will be open to pedestrians at all times.

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