Councillors ponder separation distance for Raglan Psycho Substances Shops

Although there are now no legally approved Pyscho Substances, today (Tuesday 17th June), a Waikato Council hearing in Ngaruawahia will decide on the separation distance between Raglan outlets.

A Council spokesperson said: “At the hearing on 3 June Council staff provided additional information to the committee (attached) which contained a series of maps showing different options for the committee to consider, however no decision has been made on these maps yet. At the hearing tomorrow, the setback distance will hopefully be chosen and then a final policy/map can be drafted and ratified at the next full Council meeting.”

The series of maps for Raglan are shown below, indicating three possible outlets (The Shack, Jet Collective, No. One Bow St) at a 50 metre separation and none at 75 or 100 metres. The maps show a more complete list of sensitive locations, so council staff have listened to the submitters and council staff now understand that the Harbour View Hotel has a back door.

50 m separation map.  Source WDC
50 m separation map. Source WDC
75 m separation map.  Source WDC
75 m separation map. Source WDC
100 m separation map.  Source WDC
100 m separation map. Source WDC


5 thoughts on “Councillors ponder separation distance for Raglan Psycho Substances Shops

  1. One would hate to calculate the amount of time and money being put into illegal pyschoactive substances points of sale. I was pleased to hear Tuesday morning at Chamber breakfast Merren’s Plastic Catastrophe talk at the Shack, how local business could reduce plastics and that the Community House had a policy for sale of alcohol around Raglan. There was no mention of having to stand at the alcohol display in Supervalue to await Post Office services.

    1. The blue shaded area is what the Waikato District Council calls the ‘Bylaw Area’. This is the area that if a Psycho Substance outlet were to be located then it could be approved under the bylaw. The maps are availble as part of a PDF on the WDC website
      Note that the Regulatory committee has now recommended a 100 metre separation so this means no outlets in Raglan and one possible location in Huntly.

      1. Thank you for the additional information and document link.

        If, (currently NOT the case) the Bylaw area was expanded to the CDB area and the proposed new expansion on Wallis Street were approved, it appears two of these properties would fall outside the 100m setback zone

        1. The ‘Bylaw Area’ was determined by a number of factors. One of the factors was the CCTV camera coverage. I’m not aware of the camera coverage in the Wallis St area. The Police also provided input on the area they could effectively cover.

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