Council sorts out its confusion


Wainui Road water conservation sign at Level 2 from 17th Feb


Update 18 February 2010: The Waikato District Council moved the pointer on the sign up to Level 2, late on Wednesday 17th February.  So as shown in the photo a consistent message is now being given to Raglan residents about the need to conserve water.


Council sign incorrectly showing water restrictions on Level 1. It will be corrected soon to show that Level 2 water restrictions are in place


Original article: Confusing Waikato District Council messages about water restrictions in Raglan will soon be sorted out says a Council spokesperson.  In last week’s issue of the Raglan Chronicle, the Waikato District Council ran a large advertisement advising Raglan residents that water restrictions had been moved up to Level 2.   But Council’s water restriction advisory sign in Wainui Road, Raglan was at the same time telling people that water restrictions were still on Level 1.  A check with Council found that water restrictions are indeed now at Level 2.   A Council staff member has been dispatched to change the Wainui Rd sign to indicate a Level 2 situation.  So go easy easy with those hoses and follow the rules now in force!

At a recent meeting Council decided to introduce water meters across the District, starting off with Raglan.    In the Council paper proposing the change, Council officers raised the issue that many people see installation of water meters as the first step in privatising the water supply.  Councilor Baddeley said that the meters were just one part of a comprehensive package aimed at making  best use of the available water.  In addition to the meters there would be incentives for people to catch rain water and use it on their properties.

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