WDC News, 23 March 2017
Waikato District Council is looking for young people from Raglan and other parts of the Waikato District with an interest in their community to take a lead in bringing ideas for youth projects and events to their local community boards and committees.
The Council has received $10,000 funding from the Ministry of Social Development to support the establishment of volunteer ‘youth action groups’ with representatives on local community boards and committees in Ngaruawahia, Huntly, Te Kauwhata, Tuakau, Onewhero, Raglan and Tamahere.
A report received by the Council’s Strategy & Finance Committee yesterday (22 March) said the funding for the Council’s ‘Govern Up’ programme for youth would mean groups established in each community could be supported with a budget of up to $1,000 each to design, develop and run community based youth projects between now and the end of June.
The Council’s General Manager Strategy and Support, Tony Whittaker, said, “We’re actively encouraging youth to step forward with their ideas to use this money well.”
He said the Council’s Youth Engagement Advisor Shannon Kelly had already helped a youth action group to form in Huntly and was now seeking youth leaders in other areas to do the same thing.
He said since Shannon Kelly’s appointment under the Council’s Youth Engagement Plan, young volunteers in the district had been involved in a wide range of activities including helping with the district’s inaugural youth awards and providing input into community and leisure facilities. Some even stood for election in the local body elections last year resulting in Waikato District youth award winner Sharnay Ormsby Cocup capturing a seat on the Taupiri Community Board.
“We’re encouraged by the spirit of the youth in our district and we’re pleased we’ve been successful in obtaining funding to help support more youth initiatives this year,” said Tony Whittaker.
If you would like to join a youth action group in your area, contact Shannon Kelly on 027 405 6450.