Council closes Raglan Jetty

With just an informal notice on Facebook, Waikato District Council has closed the Raglan Jetty at the end of Bow Street.

Raglan Jetty has been closed by WDC

The message posted by the Ngaruawahia based council said, “Sorry folks, we have closed the jetty at the end of Bow St in Raglan due to public safety concerns. There are structural issues with it and it will be assessed by engineers early next week. We will update you as soon as we know what repairs are needed and how long they are scheduled to take.”

Raglanites are worried that the closure will turn into a multi-year closure like the Wharf boardwalk with vast amounts of money spent on consultants. And they are asking the obvious question, “Why wasn’t this picked up at an earlier inspection before it got so bad that it had to be closed?”

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