In the past Raglan’s sports fields have evolved with some input from Raglanders along the way. We have the soccer fields at the Kopua Domain and rugby fields and tennis courts at Aro Aro.
Now Waikato District Council is putting together another district wide document. This one is about sports parks. It is asking Raglan folk to have their say about the proposed document.
You can find out more about it and have your say until 20th March 2015 by clicking here.
Or you can pick up a copy of the information at the Raglan Council office/ library in Bow St.
Media Release: Waikato District Council
Council asks shall we hop, skip and jump, or just run?
Want to hop, skip and jump, or pass it not kick it in our district’s sport parks.
That’s what Waikato District Council is keen to learn when it calls for submissions on their draft Sports Park Reserve Management Plan and the draft General Reserve Policies Management Plan in January.
Council’s Service Delivery General Manager, Tim Harty says the Sports Park Reserve Management Plan outlines how Council can develop sports parks, including golf courses and tennis courts, in the future. The General Reserve Policies Management Plan really focuses on how all reserves are managed and provides an understanding of the use and day to day operations of district reserves.
Tim Harty says “We’re extremely fortunate to have an incredible number of sports parks and reserves available across our district so we’re keen to hear from a broad selection of users and sporting codes. We need people to tell us how they might use these areas in the future, not just plan what we think people want to use them for.”
From Wednesday 14 January, information on the reserves and approximately 40 sport parks being reviewed will be available on www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz including details on how to provide feedback on the overall plans, or specific parks and reserves in your community. Hard copies are also available to view at Council libraries and offices.