Consultation opens on bus fares

Waikato Regional Council news

Waikato Regional Council is proposing its most significant change to bus fares in more than five years, with public consultation closing at the end of February.

Interim bus fares were introduced when the Bee Card was rolled out in the Waikato in July last year.

“With more than 30,000 people now using Bee Cards in the region – that’s more than 95 per cent of bus users – it’s time to set fares going forward,” said Waikato regional councillor and Regional Connections Committee chair Angela Strange.

“As a result of the changes we’re proposing, some fares will become cheaper than pre-COVID levels, and some will increase slightly.

“To make public transport more accessible for everyone, we’re also looking to introduce fare capping which will make fares cheaper for regular bus users,” Cr Strange said.

Once you spend a certain amount each week on your Bee Card (from Monday to Sunday), all further bus travel in that zone is free.. Under the proposal, it means the maximum an adult will pay per week is $20 in Hamilton, and for people 18 and under the maximum will be $15.

Fare capping is also available across zones – for example people travelling through three zones, like Huntly to Hamilton, the maximum weekly travel cost will be $40, and for people 18 and under it’ll be $30.

Bee Card fares are also being proposed for the new Te Huia train service, due to rollout of the Waikato for the first time this year.

For more information and to provide feedback on the changes coming in mid-2021, an online survey can be completed by visiting or calling 0800 205 305.

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